2017-07-26 51 views


|table| err_timestamp|     err_message                      | 
| t1|7/26/2017 13:56|[error = RI_VIOLATION, field = user_id, value = 'null']               | 
| t2|7/26/2017 13:58|[error = NULL_CHECK, field = geo_id, value = 'null'] [error = DATATYPE_CHECK, field = emp_id, value = 'FIWOERE8'] | 


|table|  err_date|err_field|  err_type| err_value| 
| t1|7/26/2017 0:00| user_id| RI_VOILATION|  null| 
| t2|7/26/2017 0:00| geo_id| NULL_CHECK|  null| 
| t2|7/26/2017 0:00| emp_id|DATATYPE_CHECK|FDSADFSDA68| 

認真配合?你試圖問什麼? – ayush


嗨,我想轉換dataframe1到dataframe2不使用火花SQL,請幫我 – prakash


提供它是非常重要的莫我 – prakash




import spark.implicits._ 

//create dummy data 
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
    ("t1", "7/26/2017 13:56", "[error = RI_VIOLATION, field = user_id, value = null]"), 
    ("t2", "7/26/2017 13:58", "[error = NULL_CHECK, field = geo_id, value = null] [error = DATATYPE_CHECK, field = emp_id, value = FIWOERE8]") 
)).toDF("table", "err_timestamp", "err_message") 

//create a udf to split string and create a array of string 
val splitValue = udf ((value : String) => { 
    .map(x => x.toString().replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "")) 

//update a column with explode to arrays of string 
val df1 = df.withColumn("err_message", explode(splitValue($"err_message"))) 

|table|err_timestamp |err_message            | 
|t1 |7/26/2017 13:56|error = RI_VIOLATION, field = user_id, value = null  | 
|t2 |7/26/2017 13:58|error = NULL_CHECK, field = geo_id, value = null  | 
|t2 |7/26/2017 13:58|error = DATATYPE_CHECK, field = emp_id, value = FIWOERE8| 

val splitExpr = split($"err_message", ",") 

//create a three new columns with splitting in key value 
df1.withColumn("err_field", split(splitExpr(1), "=")(1)) 
    .withColumn("err_type", split(splitExpr(0), "=")(1)) 
    .withColumn("err_value", split(splitExpr(2), "=")(1)) 


|table|err_timestamp |err_field|err_type  |err_value| 
|t1 |7/26/2017 13:56| user_id | RI_VIOLATION | null | 
|t2 |7/26/2017 13:58| geo_id | NULL_CHECK | null | 
|t2 |7/26/2017 13:58| emp_id | DATATYPE_CHECK| FIWOERE8| 



謝謝Shankar,很好的解決方案 – prakash


import spark.implicits._ 

//create dummy data 
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
    ("t1", "7/26/2017 13:56", "[error = RI_VIOLATION, field = user_id, value = null]"), 
    ("t2", "7/26/2017 13:58", "[error = NULL_CHECK, field = geo_id, value = null] [error = DATATYPE_CHECK, field = emp_id, value = FIWOERE8]") 
)).toDF("table", "err_timestamp", "err_message") 

//create a udf to split string and create a array of string 
val splitValue = udf ((value : String) => { 
    .map(x => x.toString().replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "")) 

//update a column with explode to arrays of string 
val df1 = df.withColumn("err_message", explode(splitValue($"err_message"))) 

|table|err_timestamp |err_message            | 
|t1 |7/26/2017 13:56|error = RI_VIOLATION, field = user_id, value = null  | 
|t2 |7/26/2017 13:58|error = NULL_CHECK, field = geo_id, value = null  | 
|t2 |7/26/2017 13:58|error = DATATYPE_CHECK, field = emp_id, value = FIWOERE8| 

val splitExpr = split($"err_message", ",") 

//create a three new columns with splitting in key value 
df1.withColumn("err_field", split(splitExpr(1), "=")(1)) 
    .withColumn("err_type", split(splitExpr(0), "=")(1)) 
    .withColumn("err_value", split(splitExpr(2), "=")(1)) 