2011-06-06 67 views

我試圖執行並瞭解KdTree,以下是我找到的鏈接。 http://ldots.org/kdtree/#buildingAkDTree 但我不明白下面的算法Kd-Tree問題

tuple function build_kd_tree(int depth, set points): 
    if points contains only one point: 
     return that point as a leaf. 

    if depth is even: 
     Calculate the median x-value. 
     Create a set of points (pointsLeft) that have x-values less than 
      the median. 
     Create a set of points (pointsRight) that have x-values greater 
      than or equal to the median. 
     Calculate the median y-value. 
     Create a set of points (pointsLeft) that have y-values less than 
      the median. 
     Create a set of points (pointsRight) that have y-values greater 
      than or equal to the median. 

    treeLeft = build_kd_tree(depth + 1, pointsLeft) 
    treeRight = build_kd_tree(depth + 1, pointsRight) 

    return(median, treeLeft, treeRight) 

我不明白什麼是 Calculate the median x-value.




或者,使用快速selection algorithm,如中位數的中位數。


算法遞歸時會發生什麼情況,是否應刪除插入的元素並取剩餘值的中值。 – Avinash 2011-06-06 12:22:40


@Avinash:顯然是的,因爲在遞歸調用中你正在處理一組不同的'points'。 – 2011-06-06 13:04:04


謝謝,還有一個疑問,這似乎是處理靜態數據點集,是否有不同的數據點算法,這些數據點在構建樹時是未知的。 – Avinash 2011-06-06 13:11:23