use the flag value as reference
if flag value is true then user click on item then it will play the sound
else sound wont play and display one dialog that Do you want enable sound with two options yes or no
if user click on yes then make flag value as true and item.setText("Voice Disable"); otherwise no action means no changes in flag
in your list item click listener write condition as following
write your logic to play
public class app extends UiApplication{
public static void main(String[] args) {
new app().enterEventDispatcher();
public app() {
pushScreen(new SampleScreen());
class SampleScreen extends MainScreen
static boolean flag=true;
MenuItem item=null;
public SampleScreen() {
// use the flag value as reference
// if flag value is true then user click on item then it will play the sound
// else sound wont play and display one dialog that Do you want enable sound with two options yes or no
// if user click on yes then make flag value as true and item.setText("Voice Disable"); otherwise no action means no changes in flag
// in your list item click listner write condition as following
// if(flag==true)
// {
// write your logic to play
// }
// you already implement
item=new MenuItem("Voice Disable",0,100) {
public void run() {
item.setText("Voice Enable");
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Dialog.inform("Voice Disable succesfully");
item.setText("Voice Disable");
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Dialog.inform("Voice Enable succesfully");