2010-06-03 144 views

我有相同的代碼,使用win32com和xlrd編寫。 xlrd在不到一秒的時間內完成算法,而win32com需要幾分鐘的時間。爲什麼win32com比xlrd慢得多?


def makeDict(ws): 
"""makes dict with key as header name, 
    value as tuple of column begin and column end (inclusive)""" 
wsHeaders = {} # key is header name, value is column begin and end inclusive 
for cnum in xrange(9, find_last_col(ws)): 
    if ws.Cells(7, cnum).Value: 
     wsHeaders[str(ws.Cells(7, cnum).Value)] = (cnum, find_last_col(ws)) 
     for cend in xrange(cnum + 1, find_last_col(ws)): #finds end column 
      if ws.Cells(7, cend).Value: 
       wsHeaders[str(ws.Cells(7, cnum).Value)] = (cnum, cend - 1) 
return wsHeaders 


def makeDict(ws): 
"""makes dict with key as header name, 
    value as tuple of column begin and column end (inclusive)""" 
wsHeaders = {} # key is header name, value is column begin and end inclusive 
for cnum in xrange(8, ws.ncols): 
    if ws.cell_value(6, cnum): 
     wsHeaders[str(ws.cell_value(6, cnum))] = (cnum, ws.ncols) 
     for cend in xrange(cnum + 1, ws.ncols):#finds end column 
      if ws.cell_value(6, cend): 
       wsHeaders[str(ws.cell_value(6, cnum))] = (cnum, cend - 1) 
return wsHeaders 



(0)您問「爲什麼win32com比xlrd慢得多?」 ......這個問題有點像「你不再毆打你的妻子嗎?」 ---它是基於一個可能不是真的假設; win32com由一位出色的程序員用C語言編寫,但是xlrd是由普通程序員用純Python編寫的。真正的區別在於win32com必須調用COM,其中涉及進程間通信由you-know-who編寫,而xlrd則直接讀取Excel文件。此外,場景中還有第四方:您。請繼續閱讀。

(1)您不會向我們展示在COM代碼中重複使用的find_last_col()函數的來源。在xlrd代碼中,您總是樂意使用相同的值(ws.ncols)。所以在COM代碼中,你應該調用find_last_col(ws) ONCE,然後使用返回的結果。 更新請參閱answer to your separate question關於如何從COM獲取xlrd的Sheet.ncols的等效項。 (2)訪問每個單元值TWICE正在減慢兩個代碼的速度。取而代之的

if ws.cell_value(6, cnum): 
    wsHeaders[str(ws.cell_value(6, cnum))] = (cnum, ws.ncols) 


value = ws.cell_value(6, cnum) 
if value: 
    wsHeaders[str(value)] = (cnum, ws.ncols) 




tests= [ 
for test in tests: 
    print "\nTest:", test 
    row = test.split("/") 
    ncols = len(row) 
    # modelling the OP's code 
    # (using xlrd-style 0-relative column indexes) 
    d = {} 
    for cnum in xrange(ncols): 
     if row[cnum]: 
      k = row[cnum] 
      v = (cnum, ncols) #### BUG; should be ncols - 1 ("inclusive") 
      print "outer", cnum, k, '=>', v 
      d[k] = v 
      for cend in xrange(cnum + 1, ncols): 
       if row[cend]: 
        k = row[cnum] 
        v = (cnum, cend - 1) 
        print "inner", cnum, cend, k, '=>', v 
        d[k] = v 
    print d 
    # modelling a slightly better algorithm 
    d = {} 
    prev = None 
    for cnum in xrange(ncols): 
     key = row[cnum] 
     if key: 
      d[key] = [cnum, cnum] 
      prev = key 
     elif prev: 
      d[prev][1] = cnum 
    print d 
    # if tuples are really needed (can't imagine why) 
    for k in d: 
     d[k] = tuple(d[k]) 
    print d 


Test: A/B/C/D 
outer 0 A => (0, 4) 
inner 0 1 A => (0, 0) 
outer 1 B => (1, 4) 
inner 1 2 B => (1, 1) 
outer 2 C => (2, 4) 
inner 2 3 C => (2, 2) 
outer 3 D => (3, 4) 
{'A': (0, 0), 'C': (2, 2), 'B': (1, 1), 'D': (3, 4)} 
{'A': [0, 0], 'C': [2, 2], 'B': [1, 1], 'D': [3, 3]} 
{'A': (0, 0), 'C': (2, 2), 'B': (1, 1), 'D': (3, 3)} 

Test: A//C// 
outer 0 A => (0, 5) 
inner 0 2 A => (0, 1) 
outer 2 C => (2, 5) 
{'A': (0, 1), 'C': (2, 5)} 
{'A': [0, 1], 'C': [2, 4]} 
{'A': (0, 1), 'C': (2, 4)} 

Test: A//C//E 
outer 0 A => (0, 5) 
inner 0 2 A => (0, 1) 
outer 2 C => (2, 5) 
inner 2 4 C => (2, 3) 
outer 4 E => (4, 5) 
{'A': (0, 1), 'C': (2, 3), 'E': (4, 5)} 
{'A': [0, 1], 'C': [2, 3], 'E': [4, 4]} 
{'A': (0, 1), 'C': (2, 3), 'E': (4, 4)} 

Test: A///D 
outer 0 A => (0, 4) 
inner 0 3 A => (0, 2) 
outer 3 D => (3, 4) 
{'A': (0, 2), 'D': (3, 4)} 
{'A': [0, 2], 'D': [3, 3]} 
{'A': (0, 2), 'D': (3, 3)} 

Test: ///D 
outer 3 D => (3, 4) 
{'D': (3, 4)} 
{'D': [3, 3]} 
{'D': (3, 3)} 

+1我同意 - 放緩不是因爲COM,而是因爲OP的使用,使得它看起來更慢。 – Cam 2010-06-04 01:55:36


正是由於IPC的開銷,還有許多方法可以使用COM通過安全數組讀取和寫入多個值。你可以通過win32com透明地做到這一點,通過指定範圍而不是單個單元。 – 2010-06-04 03:38:46


COM需要談論其實際處理請求的另一個過程。 xlrd在數據結構本身上正在進行工作。


所以是不可能做到這一點在合理的時間,用win32com? – Josh 2010-06-03 22:26:48



def makeDict(ws): 
"""makes dict with key as header name, 
    value as tuple of column begin and column end (inclusive)""" 
wsHeaders = {} # key is header name, value is column begin and end inclusive 
last_col = find_last_col(ws) 

for cnum in xrange(9, last_col): 
    if ws.Cells(7, cnum).Value: 
     value = ws.Cells(7, cnum).Value 
     cstart = cnum 
    if ws.Cells(7, cnum + 1).Value: 
     wsHeaders[str(value)] = (cstart, cnum) #cnum is last in range 
return wsHeaders 

(1)你仍然訪問同一個單元兩次(2)以前的代碼硬編碼第8列和第6行;這個分別使用9和7;爲什麼? – 2010-06-04 21:51:22
