2017-06-14 126 views

請幫助我,我需要通過這個SQL線到laravel syxtax使用 https://github.com/ConsoleTVs/Charts SQL語法 即時通訊上使用定製的圖表 :創建交互式圖表使用laravel

SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar 
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado 
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado 
    FROM presupuesto 

我想在添加此參數這樣 enter image description here



namespace sisVentas\Http\Controllers; 

use Illuminate\Http\Request; 
use sisVentas\User; 
use sisVentas\Http\Requests; 
use Charts; 
class EstadisticaController extends Controller 

public function index() 
    $data = \DB::select(" 
       SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar 
       ,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado 
       ,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado 
      FROM presupuesto 





     $chart = Charts::create('pie', 'highcharts') 
      // Setup the chart settings 
      ->title("Resumen de Presupuestos Realizados") 
      // A dimension of 0 means it will take 100% of the space 
      // This defines a preset of colors already done:) 

      // You could always set them manually 

      // Setup the diferent datasets (this is a multi chart) 
    ->labels(['Por Despachar', 'Despachado', 'Planificado']) 
     return dd($chart, $data); 



Chart {#324 ▼ 
    +id: null 
    +customId: null 
    +type: "pie" 
    +library: "highcharts" 
    +title: "Resumen de Presupuestos Realizados" 
    +element_label: "Element" 
    +labels: array:3 [▼ 
    0 => "Por Despachar" 
    1 => "Despachado" 
    2 => "Planificado" 
    +values: array:3 [▼ 
    0 => 65 
    1 => 10 
    2 => 20 
    +colors: [] 
    +responsive: false 
    +gauge_style: "left" 
    +view: null 
    +region: "world" 
    #suffix: "" 
    +container: "" 
    +credits: false 
    +loader: true 
    +loader_duration: 500 
    +loader_color: "#000000" 
    +background_color: "inherit" 
    +template: "material" 
    +one_color: false 
    +legend: true 
    +x_axis_title: false 
    +y_axis_title: null 
    +"height": 500 
    +"width": 1000 

array:1 [▼ 
    0 => {#330 ▼ 
    +"por_despachar": "3" 
    +"planificado": "1" 
    +"despachado": "0" 


你想用你的SQL結果替換' - > values([5,10,20])'嗎?我不明白你的語言對你的代碼做一些假設 –


是的兄弟我想用我的sql結果代替 –





$data = \DB::select(" 
       SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar 
       ,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado 
       ,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado 
      FROM presupuesto 


感謝兄弟我完美地獲得了正確的值。你可以幫助我將這些結果傳遞給圖表 –


它應該是' - > values($ data)'或' - > values($ data-> toArray())' –


有了這個 - > values($ data-> toArray())我得到這個錯誤「調用成員函數toArray()數組」和這個 - > values($ data)方法Illuminate \ View \ View :: __ toString()不能拋出異常 –