2011-03-27 55 views


我的編程環境是Ubuntu Linux操作系統,emacs的,大會在& T語法




.section .data 

    .section .bss 
    .lcomm buffer,1 

    .section .text 
    .global _start 

    movl %esp,%ebp 
    subl $8,%esp 
    #8(%ebp) is 2nd arg == input 
    #12(%ebp) is 3rd arg == output 

    movl $5,%eax 
    movl 8(%ebp),%ebx 
    movl $0,%ecx 
    movl $0666,%edx 
    int $0x80 
    #%eax contains input's fd 
    #movl to first local var 
    movl %eax,-4(%ebp) 

    movl $5,%eax 
    movl 12(%ebp),%ebx 
    movl $03101,%ecx 
    movl $0666,%edx 
    int $0x80 
    #eax contains output's fd 
    #movl to second local var 
    movl %eax,-12(%ebp) 

    #read 1 byte from file 1st byte of data 
    movl $3,%eax 
    movl -4(%ebp),%ebx 
    movl $buffer,%ecx 
    movl $1,%edx 
    int $0x80 

    #read 1 byte from file I expect 2nd byte of data 
    movl $3,%eax 
    movl -4(%ebp),%ebx 
    movl $buffer,%ecx 
    movl $1,%edx 
    int $0x80 

    #buffer contains 1 byte of file 
    subb $48, buffer 
    movl buffer,%ebx 
    movl $1,%eax 
    int $0x80 

使用C會不會更容易?或者失敗了,從彙編代碼中調用'read()'? – 2011-03-27 06:54:16


感謝您的回覆。 但我想在彙編中實現。 ,因爲它很好理解它是如何工作的 – 2011-03-27 06:56:30


爲什麼你不先努力? – 2011-03-27 07:00:29



[email protected]:/tmp$ nasm -f elf -o test.o test.nasm 
[email protected]:/tmp$ ld -o test test.o 
[email protected]:/tmp$ ./test 
0 # this is what I typed 
[email protected]:/tmp$ 
[email protected]:/tmp$ echo $? 
[email protected]:/tmp$ cat test.nasm 
global _start 
push eax ; for buffer 
mov ecx, esp 
mov edx, 1 ; # bytes to read 
mov ebx, 0 ; stdin 
mov eax, 3 ; read 
int 0x80 
mov ebx, [ecx] ; what we just read 
mov eax, 1 ; exit 
int 0x80 



謝謝大家。我不知道的是當我想在文件中間開始讀取時將索引(偏移量)放到哪裏。用於系統調用號的eax,用於文件描述符的ebx,用於緩衝區地址的ecx,用於緩衝區大小的edx。數據的第一個字節 - > 1個字節的緩衝區。沒關係。但數據的第二個字節 - > 1個字節的緩衝區,如何? – 2011-03-27 09:17:36


哦對不起,這是我的輸入文件錯誤。當我嘗試上面的代碼粘貼時,它讀取第二個字節的數據!無論如何,謝謝你的幫助 – 2011-03-27 10:33:06
