2017-04-11 69 views

我必須找到 部門的最低工資高於部門的平均工資。超過分區最低的大於平均分


低薪怎麼能高於同一部門的平均薪水? – Teja


表格架構?樣本數據?預期結果?或者我們應該拿起水晶球? :-) –


請參閱[How to ask](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask)和[Minimal,Complete,and Verifiable example](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve ) – bc004346




select emp.deptid, min(emp.salary) 
from ( 
    select deptid, avg(salary) avg_sal 
    from emp group by deptid) 
x join emp on x.deptid = emp.deptid 
where emp.salary >= x.avg_sal 
group by emp.deptid 

如果你也想獲得員工 - 你不要在你的問題需要 - 那麼你就可以請使用row_number()

; with cte as (
    select rn = row_number() over (partition by emp.deptid order by emp.salary asc), emp.* 
     select deptid, avg(salary) avg_sal 
     from emp 
     group by deptid 
    ) x join emp on x.deptid = emp.deptid 
    where emp.salary >= x.avg_sal 
select x.empid, x.deptid, x.salary 
from cte 
where rn = 1