2014-01-24 45 views




* @ngdoc function 
* @name ui.router.state.$state#get 
* @methodOf ui.router.state.$state 
* @description 
* Returns the state configuration object for any state by passing the name 
* as a string. Without any arguments it'll return a array of all configured 
* state objects. 
* @param {string|object} stateOrName The name of the state for which you'd like 
* to get the original state configuration object for. 
* @returns {object} State configuration object or array of all objects. 

你如何做同樣的事情,但適當的嵌套? IE:我有5個州,但其中兩個州有3個州。但'$ state.get()'返回一個由11個項目組成的數組,而不是由5個項目組成的數組,其中兩個項目具有嵌套數組。 – Suamere


@Suamere在這裏看看我的答案:http://stackoverflow.com/a/43658936/2367938 – Jacka