

Sales Tracker

那麼,文字的照片,應該是MTD1 = 5MTD2 = 15MTD3 = 18,等等。與total列相同(total列加起來爲actual列)。


1)我想確保它更新的數字生活作爲用戶輸入新值。 2)我也想建立這樣的方式,它允許我在我的數據庫中進行更新(保持每行計算後的總數)。


<tr ng-repeat="i in new() track by $index"> 
    <td>{{$index + 1}}</td> 
     <input type='text' ng-model="i.ctn_goal"> 
     <input type='text' ng-model="i.ctn_actual"> 
    <td>{{ }}</td> 
    <td>{{ }}</td> 
     <input type='text' ng-model="i.twi_actual"> 

     <input type='text' ng-model="i.acc_goal"> 
     <input type='text' ng-model="i.acc_actual"> 
    <td>{{ }}</td> 
    <td>{{ }}</td> 
     <input type='text' ng-model="i.acc_units"> 

     <input type='text' ng-model="i.mpp_goal"> 
     <input type='text' ng-model="i.mpp_actual"> 
    <td>{{ }}</td> 
    <td>{{ }}</td> 


app.controller("tableCtrl", function ($scope, $http) { 
// Generate rows for each day of the month 
$scope.new = function() { 
     var x = new Date(); 
     var date = new Date(x.getYear(), x.getMonth()+1, 0).getDate(); 
     return new Array(date); 


編輯:{{ items[$index].ctn_goal + items[$index-1].ctn_goal }}CTN -> MTD列。 Running Totals


在$ scope.new =()的函數哪裏都是反對我NG重複的相關參數。意味着你通過價值i.ctn_goal等等 – Ajinkya


他們不存在。我不知道如何將它們傳遞給我的控制器或從我的控制器訪問它們。我最初添加它們是因爲我試圖在'{{}}'領域自己做一些數學。恩。 '{{i [0] .acc_actual + i [1] .acc_actual}}''蠢,我知道。這就是我來這裏的原因。 – Bryner





// Get the number of days in the current month 
var x = new Date(); 
var date = new Date(x.getYear(), x.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate(); 

$scope.update = function (items, file) { 
     method: 'POST', 
     url: 'assets/php/' + file + '.php', 
     data: items, 
     params: { 
     id: $scope.user.user_id 
     headers: { 
     'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 

    // Check and see if there's already a tracker started, if not, create a new tracker equal to the number days in the current month. 
    .then(function (response) { 
     if (response.data.status == 0 && file != "updateTracker") { 
     $scope.items = []; 
     for (var i = 0; i < date; i++) { 
      $scope.items[i] = { 
      ctn_goal: 0, ctn_actual: 0, ctn_mtd: 0, ctn_total: 0, twi_actual: 0, twi_mtd: 0, 
      acc_goal: 0, acc_actual: 0, acc_mtd: 0, acc_total: 0, acc_units: 0, units_mtd: 0, 
      mpp_goal: 0, mpp_actual: 0, mpp_mtd: 0, mpp_total: 0 
     } else if (file != "updateTracker") { 
     $scope.items = response.data; 
     } else if (response.data.status) { 
     alert("Save successful!"); 
     } else { 
     alert("No changes detected!"); 

// Loop through each object and create a running total for each property in each object. 
$scope.add = function (c_input, c_output, i) { 
    var j = 0; 
    var k = $scope.items.length; 
    var sum = 0; 
    if (!isNaN($scope.items[i][c_input])) { 
     while (j < k) { 
      sum += $scope.items[j][c_input]; 
      $scope.items[j][c_output] = sum; 


    <div class="table-responsive text-center"> 
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped"> 
      <th rowspan="2">Feb 2016 
      <button class="btn btn-success" ng-click="update(items, 'updateTracker')">Save</button> 
      <th colspan="5">CTN</th> 
      <th colspan="5">ACC</th> 
      <th colspan="4">MPP</th> 



     <tr ng-repeat="i in items track by $index" allow-pattern="[\d-]+"> 
      <td ng-model="i.date">{{$index + 1}}</td> 

      <!-- CTN --> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.ctn_goal" ng-change="add('ctn_goal', 'ctn_mtd', $index)"> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.ctn_actual" ng-change="add('ctn_actual', 'ctn_total', $index)"> 
      <td ng-model="i.ctn_mtd">{{ i.ctn_mtd }}</td> 
      <td ng-model="i.ctn_total">{{ i.ctn_total }}</td> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.twi_actual" ng-change="add('twi_actual', 'twi_mtd', $index)"> 

      <!-- ACC --> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.acc_goal" ng-change="add('acc_goal', 'acc_mtd', $index)"> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.acc_actual" ng-change="add('acc_actual', 'acc_total', $index)"> 
      <td ng-model="i.acc_mtd">{{ i.acc_mtd }}</td> 
      <td ng-model="i.acc_total">{{ i.acc_total }}</td> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.acc_units" ng-change="add('acc_units', 'units_mtd', $index)"> 

      <!-- MPP --> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.mpp_goal" ng-change="add('mpp_goal', 'mpp_mtd', $index)"> 
      <input type='number' ng-model="i.mpp_actual" ng-change="add('mpp_actual', 'mpp_total', $index)"> 
      <td ng-model="i.mpp_mtd">{{ i.mpp_mtd }}</td> 
      <td ng-model="i.mpp_total">{{ i.mpp_total }}</td> 


// Generate rows for each day of the month 
$scope.items= [ 
    {ctn_goal:10, ctn_actual:25, twi_actual:11, acc_goal:10,acc_actual:10, acc_units:10, mpp_goal:10, mpp_actual:10 }, 
    {ctn_goal:10, ctn_actual:25, twi_actual:11, acc_goal:10,acc_actual:10, acc_units:10, mpp_goal:10, mpp_actual:10 }, 
    {ctn_goal:10, ctn_actual:25, twi_actual:11, acc_goal:10,acc_actual:10, acc_units:10, mpp_goal:10, mpp_actual:10 }, 
    {ctn_goal:10, ctn_actual:25, twi_actual:11, acc_goal:10,acc_actual:10, acc_units:10, mpp_goal:10, mpp_actual:10 }  


// track by used only if you want to sort by any parameters 
<tr ng-repeat="i in items"> 
    //Put your code here 
    <td>{{ items[$index].ctn_goal + items[$index-1].ctn_goal }}</td> // i put it here as sample i don't know which you have to add 

enter image description here


我不相信這會起作用,因爲每個月都有不同的天數。我想避免每個月都要手動創建一個新的數組。此外,正在添加的值是目標1 + n/a,然後在下一行中是目標2 +目標1,然後是目標3 +目標2,因此它是每行的運行總和。 – Bryner


@Bryner檢查更新的代碼。它會爲你工作。讓我知道。 – Ajinkya


我剛剛嘗試過它,它幾乎可以正常工作。但它一次只能添加2行。這很難解釋,但這裏是[小提琴](https://jsfiddle.net/24mwtzeL/4/)。輸入一些值並查看模式。 – Bryner