2015-11-03 84 views


**Category** **Type** **Planned Date** **Actual End Date** 
Fruit   Banana  
Fruit   Banana  
Fruit   Banana  
Fruit   Banana        18/06/2015 
Fruit   Banana  
Fruit   Banana  
Fruit   Banana   11/11/2017 
Fruit   Banana  
Fruit   Banana   21/12/2017 
Fruit   Apple  
Fruit   Apple  
Fruit   Apple  
Fruit   Apple        11/01/2015 
Fruit   Apple  
Fruit   Apple  
Fruit   Apple  
Fruit   Apple  
Fruit   Apple   18/12/2015  

Veg   Cucumber  
Veg   Cucumber  

Veg   Cucumber  12/01/2016 

Veg   Cucumber  

Veg   Cucumber  25/06/2016  

Veg   Cucumber  
Veg   Cucumber  
Veg   Cucumber  03/11/2016  
Veg   Cucumber  


**Category** **Type** **Planned Date** **Actual End Date** 
Fruit   Banana        18/06/2015 
Fruit   Banana        18/06/2015 
Fruit   Banana        18/06/2015 
Fruit   Banana        18/06/2015 
Fruit   Banana   11/11/2017 
Fruit   Banana   11/11/2017 
Fruit   Banana   11/11/2017 
Fruit   Banana   21/12/2017 
Fruit   Banana   21/12/2017 
Fruit   Apple        11/01/2015 
Fruit   Apple        11/01/2015 
Fruit   Apple        11/01/2015 
Fruit   Apple        11/01/2015 
Fruit   Apple   18/12/2015 
Fruit   Apple   18/12/2015 
Fruit   Apple   18/12/2015 
Fruit   Apple   18/12/2015 
Fruit   Apple   18/12/2015  

Veg   Cucumber  12/01/2016 
Veg   Cucumber  12/01/2016 

Veg   Cucumber  12/01/2016 

Veg   Cucumber  25/06/2016 

Veg   Cucumber  25/06/2016  

Veg   Cucumber  03/11/2016 
Veg   Cucumber  03/11/2016 
Veg   Cucumber  03/11/2016  
Veg   Cucumber  01/01/2018 

您嘗試過什麼嗎?如果是這樣,請發佈您嘗試使用的任何代碼/公式。同樣善意地澄清:我們從名單的末尾開始,然後往上走。如果我們打了一個日期,那就用這個日期填補這個空白,直到下一個日期。如果從一開始就沒有日期,那麼使用一些默認日期?那麼,您的'實際結束日期'列中將有所有「素食」類別的默認日期,以及一些水果?例如,您可以發佈完整的表格嗎? – BruceWayne


也許也解釋了爲什麼SQL? – pnuts


每個項目有9個日期,並且它們正在處理中,例如,第一個項目需要在開始下一個項目之前進行,因此如果第三個項目有一個實際的日期,並且上面的項目是空的,那麼我希望將第三個項目的實際日期複製到上述兩個項目的實際日期列中。此外,如果同一項目下面沒有日期,則將1/1/2018放入。 – danny




Sub test() 
Dim wsLastRow&, partLastRow&, nextRow&, firstRow& 
Dim i&, k& 
Dim custDate$ 

wsLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row ' this assumes your Column A will have the most data 

For k = 3 To 4 ' using columns C and then D 
    For i = wsLastRow To 2 Step -1 
     If IsEmpty(Cells(i, k)) Then 
      custDate = WorksheetFunction.Text(InputBox("What date do you want to put, as there isn't one currently (dd/mm/yyyy)"), "dd/mm/yyyy") 
      Cells(i, k).Value = custDate 
      firstRow = i 
      partLastRow = Cells(i, k).End(xlUp).Row + 1 
      Range(Cells(firstRow, k), Cells(partLastRow, k)).FillUp 
      i = partLastRow 
     End If 
    Next i 
Next k 
End Sub 




Sub test2() 
Dim wsLastRow&, partLastRow&, nextRow&, firstRow& 
Dim i&, k& 
Dim custDate$ 
Dim runLastRow As Boolean 

runLastRow = False 

wsLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row ' this assumes your Column A will have the most data 
custDate = WorksheetFunction.Text(InputBox("What date do you want to put, when there isn't one? (dd/mm/yyyy)"), "dd/mm/yyyy") 

k = 3      'noting the "C" Column 

For i = wsLastRow To 2 Step -1 
    If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 3)) And IsEmpty(Cells(i, 4)) Then 
     Cells(i, k).Value = custDate 
     runLastRow = False 
    ElseIf IsEmpty(Cells(i, k)) And Cells(i, k + 1) <> "" Then 
     k = 4    ' Set the column to use as K 
     runLastRow = True 
     k = 3 
     runLastRow = True 
    End If 

    If runLastRow Then 
     firstRow = i 
     partLastRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(Cells(i, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1, Cells(i, 4).End(xlUp).Row + 1) 
     Range(Cells(firstRow, k), Cells(partLastRow, k)).FillUp 
     i = partLastRow 
    End If 

Next i 

End Sub 

感謝您的支持,也可以將日期複製到沒有日期(計劃或實際結束日期)的行,例如,如果計劃日期爲第4個蘋果行但實際結束第一個蘋果行的日期和第二和第三行是空的,所以在這種情況下,我想它將第四個蘋果的計劃日​​期複製到第2和第3行。是否可以在vba中執行此操作? – danny


@danny - 上面沒有這樣做嗎?你能否重申你的問題(也許可以用一個例子將它添加到你的OP中)。你想要計劃的日期進入哪一列? – BruceWayne


計劃日期是第三列,實際結束日期是第四列,所以如果兩個字段都沒有日期,那麼它應該在兩列中查找下一個可用日期並複製到上面的空白直到下一個日期可用任何一列。 – danny
