我讀過聯接比子查詢更有效,我有一個查詢非常慢並且使用了大量的子查詢,因此我想改善它,但不知道如何。當查看同一個表中的另一條記錄時,將SQL子查詢轉換爲聯接Access 2010
People \\this table stores lists of individual people with the following fields
ID, \\Primary Key
aacode Text, \\represents a individual house
PERSNO number, \\represent the number of the person in the house e.g. person number 1
HRP number, \\the PERSNO of the Housing Reference Person (HRP) the "main" person in the house
DVHsize number, \\the number of people in the house
R01 number, \\the persons relationship to the person who is PERSNO=1
R02 number, \\the persons relationship to the person who is PERSNO=2
R03 number, \\the persons relationship to the person who is PERSNO=3
AgeCat text, \\the age range of the person e.g. 30-44
xMarSta number, \\representing the marital satus of the person
Relatives \\this table stores the possible R01 numbers and their text equivalents
ID Primary Key, \\all possible R01 values
Relationship text, \\meaning of the corisponding R01 values
xMarSta \\this table store the possible xMarSta values and their text equivalents
ID Primary Key \\all possible xMarSta values
Marital text, \\meaning of corresponding R01 values
- 這個查詢的目標是爲每個房子(即每aacode)文本蜇描述的房子形式[Marital][AgeCat][Relationship][AgeCat][Relationship][AgeCat]
SELECT People.ID, People.aacode, People.PERSNO,
People.HRP, People.DVHsize, xMarSta.Marital,
[Marital] & " (" & [AgeCat] & ")" & [RAL2] & [RAge2] &
[RAL3] & [RAge3] & [RAL4] & [RAge4] & [RAL5] & [RAge5] &
[RAL6] & [RAge6] & [RAL7] & [RAge7] & [RAL8] & [RAge8] AS HsTyp,
(SELECT Fam2.R01 FROM People AS Fam2 WHERE Fam2.aacode = People.aacode
AND Fam2.PERSNO = 2) AS Rel2,
(SELECT Fam3.R01 FROM People AS Fam3 WHERE Fam3.aacode = People.aacode
AND Fam3.PERSNO = 3) AS Rel3,
Switch([Rel2] Is Null,Null,[Rel2]=-9,'DNA',[Rel2]=-8,'NoAns',
[Rel2]=20,'CivilPartner',True,'Other') AS RAL2,
Switch([Rel3] Is Null,Null,[Rel3]=-9,'DNA',[Rel3]=-8,'NoAns',
[Rel3]=20,'CivilPartner',True,'Other') AS RAL3,
(Select FAge2.AgeCat FROM People AS FAge2
WHERE FAge2.aacode = People.aacode
) AS RAge2,
(Select FAge3.AgeCat FROM People AS FAge3
WHERE FAge3.aacode = People.aacode AND FAge3.PERSNO = 3
) AS RAge3
FROM Relatives
RIGHT JOIN (xMarSta RIGHT JOIN People ON xMarSta.ID=People.xMarSta)
ON Relatives.ID=People.R01
WHERE (((People.HRP)=[People.PERSNO]))
ORDER BY People.aacode;
- 目前,我不能得到從相對字段加入到親屬 表工作,所以我使用所謂的RAL必有 有更好的方式開關功能。
- 爲簡單起見,我只包含了Rel2 & Rel3等,但在實際的代碼中,它上升到Rel13!所以表現的問題更加糟糕。
- 我想用連接替換這些子查詢,但是當子查詢 查看同一個表中的另一條記錄時,我不確定如何去 這一點。
- 我很出我的深度與此的,我知道一點點SQL但這個問題的複雜性 是太多我有限的知識
啊,只是一個說明,你不應該打開復制的問題,編輯問題IDEIA是,如果你的第一個問題是不明確的,你可以編輯並提供更多信息。現在有3個重複的問題。考慮關閉其他的重複,並鏈接到這一個。 –