2013-04-02 18 views



你學過二叉樹嗎? – CookieOfFortune


「*有人可以顯示實現*」這不是Stack Overflow **或**作業的好用法。 –


泡泡排序和選擇排序都是'O(n^2)'算法 - 大約可以像排序一樣慢(理性)。有很多更快的'O(n log(n))'算法; [Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm)是您研究的一個很好的起點。 [合併排序](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort)是一種流行的選擇。 –




/*recursive sorting, throws smaller values to left, 
bigger to right side, than recursively sorts the two sides.*/ 
void sort(double szam[], int eleje, int vege){ 
    if (vege > eleje + 1){   //if I have at least two numbers 
    double kuszob = szam[eleje]; //compare values to this. 
    int l = eleje + 1;    //biggest index that is on the left. 
    int r = vege;     //smallest index that is on the right side. 
    while (l < r){     //if I haven't processed everything. 
     if (szam[l] <= kuszob) l++; //good, this remains on the left. 
     swap(&szam[l], &szam[--r]); //swap it with the farthest value we haven't checked. 
    swap(&szam[--l], &szam[eleje]); //make sure we don't compare to this again, that could cause STACK OVERFLOW 
    sort(szam, eleje, l);   //sort left side 
    sort(szam, r, vege);   //sort right side 
    return;       //if I have 1 number break recursion. 