在我暫時從這個項目中休息之前,我能夠使用paypal API發送付款。但是現在,當我使用相同的代碼,我得到以下信息:
Preapproval API call failed. Detailed Error Message: The receiver is based in a country that isn't enabled to receive paymentsError Code: 580022Error Severity: ErrorError Domain: PLATFORMError Category: Application
$PROXY_PORT = '808';
$Env = "sandbox";
$API_UserName = "new-facilitator_api-email-goes-here";
$API_Password = "password-goes-here";
$API_Signature = "sig-goes-here";
// AppID is preset for sandbox use
// If your application goes live, you will be assigned a value for the live environment by PayPal as part of the live onboarding process
$API_AppID = "APP-80W284485P519543T";
$API_Endpoint = "";
if ($Env == "sandbox")
$API_Endpoint = "https://svcs.sandbox.paypal.com/AdaptivePayments";
$API_Endpoint = "https://svcs.paypal.com/AdaptivePayments";
爲什麼這不再起作用?我在apache error.log文件中沒有收到任何錯誤。
覺得很煩人,我要2整天等待設置賞金吸引更多注意的問題...... – oshirowanen 2013-03-21 19:50:08
在舊的paypal沙箱系統,有一個通用的api用戶名,密碼,沙箱帳戶的簽名,這是我在paypalplatform.php文件中使用的。我似乎無法在新的沙盒PayPal系統中找到一般的api用戶名,密碼,簽名,這就是爲什麼我嘗試使用主持人paypal沙箱測試帳戶的原因。 – oshirowanen 2013-03-21 19:56:53