CakePHP是否允許從類(或)生成表,它必須始終是表,然後將類映射到這些表?非常感謝,CAKEPHP ORM Feature
看起來像你是運氣不好。從8月份的這個問題來看,似乎CakePHP首先需要表格 - >can CakePHP automatically create tables from models?
如果您還沒有看過Ruby on Rails,那麼您應該看看。 Rails中的腳手架可以根據需要創建Tables FROM Models。
非常感謝prillden – amj 2010-12-12 09:30:12
- 1. <uses-feature ...「android.hardware.faketouch」
- 2. Feature-Toggle with GWTP
- 3. Wordpress Post Feature Clone
- 4. Parent uses-feature android.hardware.location
- 5. Plone Feature查詢
- 6. ldap memberOf Feature
- 7. Feature Vector Partioning
- 8. openlayers3 feature disapear layer style
- 9. PHP Todo CheckList Checked Feature
- 10. HTML5 drawing with「replay」feature「
- 11. Multiselect combobox with typeahead feature
- 12. OpenLayers => feature is null
- 13. 如何正確</p> <pre><code>@master $ git checkout dev @dev $ git pull --rebase @dev $ git co -b new-feature @new-feature $ git add & git commit -m "change I did..." @new-feature $ git push origin new-feature </code></pre> <p>工作後發送清潔PR
- 14. Android uses-configuration VS uses-feature
- 15. 錯誤? in codesign --remove-signature feature
- 16.
- 17. Ext JS Feed Viewer-like feature
- 18. Segfault with large feature vector LibSVM
- 19. Feature-Toggle for Spring組件
- 20. 關於Haar Like Feature公式
- 21. M類:或M類():?
- 22. m/m/1隊列示例
- 23. BizAgi表和m-m關係
- 24. n!模m,a^p模m
- 25. git commit -m vs git commit -am
- 26. 黃瓜情景並行而不是.feature?
- 27. Windows批處理文件'cut'like feature
- 28. Esri Feature Services和Google Maps API v3
- 29. 爲什麼不「git flow feature pull」跟蹤?
- 30. Feature/Scenerio是Describe/It的替代品嗎?
[Can CakePHP自動從模型創建表?]( – webbiedave 2010-12-12 06:34:55