// Direction 1: User -> Vote -> Poll
query GetUser($id: "abc") {
getUser(id: $id) {
votes(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
poll {
// Direction 2: Poll -> Vote -> User
query GetPoll($id: "xyz") {
getPoll(id: $id) {
votes(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
user {
在這個例子中,您的投票類型是存儲沿着邊緣的信息的實體。 「列表上的連接」的一個優點是您可以沿邊存儲信息,這是正確的,但我認爲更大的好處是能夠通過大量對象進行分頁。
type Vote {
value: String,
poll: Poll, // Both poll & user would have resolve functions to grab their respective object.
user: User
type VoteEdge {
node: Vote,
cursor: String // an opaque cursor used in the 'before' & 'after' pagination args
type PageInfo {
hasNextPage: Boolean,
hasPreviousPage: Boolean
type VotesConnectionPayload {
edges: [VoteEdge],
pageInfo: PageInfo
const UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'User',
fields:() => ({
id: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID),
description: "A unique identifier."
username: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
description: "A username",
votes: {
type: VotesConnectionPayload,
description: "A paginated set of the user's votes",
args: { // pagination args
first: {
type: GraphQLInt
after: {
type: GraphQLString
last: {
type: GraphQLInt
before: {
type: GraphQLString
resolve: (parent, paginationArgs, ctxt) => {
// You can pass a reference to your data source in the ctxt.
const db = ctxt.db;
// Go get the full set of votes for my user. Preferably this returns a cursor
// to the set so you don't pull everything over the network
return db.getVotesForUser(parent.id).then(votes => {
// Assume we have a pagination function that applies the pagination args
// See https://facebook.github.io/relay/graphql/connections.htm for more details
return paginate(votes, paginationArgs);
}).then((paginatedVotes, pageInfo) => {
// Format the votes as a connection payload.
const edges = paginatedVotes.map(vote => {
// There are many ways to handle cursors but lets assume
// we have a magic function that gets one.
return {
cursor: getCursor(vote),
node: vote
return {
edges: edges,
pageInfo: pageInfo
你將不得不在你的投票類型的反方向同樣做一些事情。要將對象添加到連接,您只需創建一個指向正確的用戶和帖子的Vote對象。 db.getVotesForUser()方法應該足夠聰明,以實現這是一對多連接,然後可以拉出正確的對象。
「如果這是重要的,選民和他的調查之間的關係應該是雙向的,即每個用戶連接到他的投票調查,每個調查連接到其選民「。 - 是的,這看起來很重要。邊緣是特定於連接的,並且您在這裏有兩個連接,因此每個連接都需要明確的邊緣。如果選民投票 - 投票關係存在兩個真相,那麼真相的來源在哪裏? – wincent
我明白你在說什麼,我只是將投票類型看作額外的中介,因爲我已經有了連接,但你可能是對的。 –