2012-05-25 49 views




Pros : 
1) Has support of helpers which help a lot in debugging 
2) Can be used to run guest of a different ISA. (You can emulate an ARM guest on x86 desktop) 
3) Does not need hardware support 
4) code is available. you can modify it for debugging 


1) Slow 

KVM是其在Linux內核中實現一個開源虛擬機監視器。 Qemu可以使用/ dev/kvm接口在KVM上運行guest虛擬機。

1) very fast 
2) code is available in the kernel tree. you can modify it for debugging 

1) needs hardware support 
2) Requires a user level software for interfacing (generally qemu) 

VMX是VMWare的虛擬機監視器。 VMX的源代碼不是免費的。但它支持用戶空間以及硬件支持的仿真。

Pros : 
1) Very easy to use. GUI is good. 
2) Fast and configurable. 

Cons : 
1) Cannot modify it to obtain more information about the guest. 

那麼ESX呢? VMX是否是ESX –


的別名取自http://blogs.vmware.com/vapp/2009/11/index.html。對於VMware產品,我們使用'vmx-X'格式,其中X是VMware的虛擬硬件版本號。導入過程會將虛擬硬件轉換爲使用此版本號。可以使用空格作爲分隔符來定義若干硬件版本,例如「vmx-04 vmx-07」 –


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