2011-03-12 93 views


  1. 使用目標總線創建歸檔隊列,並建立使用這種歸檔隊列作爲輸入隊列簡單地將消息轉發到目標總線的簡單應用程序的ForwardReceivedMessagesTo功能只要Replayer工具運行。這會清除存檔隊列,要求先使用mqbkup實用程序先備份它,但這可以作爲重放過程的一部分自動執行。或者,使用兩個交替存檔隊列(一個接收新消息,另一個接收重放)可以解決這個問題。

  2. 使用發佈/訂閱模型並讓Archiver訂閱目標隊列,將郵件放入存檔隊列中。與上面類似的Replayer工具可以使用Archive隊列作爲輸入隊列並將消息轉發給目標。這也將清除存檔隊列,需要上述解決方案之一。

  3. MassTransit人員提到了一種叫做BusDriver的東西,它允許在隊列之間進行復制,但我找不到任何關於它的更多信息。







+1的日誌,它可能是最簡單的選項。 – 2011-03-12 19:44:13


據我瞭解,ReturnToSourceQueue將刪除歸檔隊列中的消息,這將清除歸檔。進一步的研究表明,使用mqbkup來備份歸檔隊列會降低MSMQ服務的性能,這是不可接受的。感謝您將日誌記錄引入我的視線;它比ForwardReceivedMessagesTo要好,因爲它確保消息的副本存在,而不管訂閱者隊列是否接受它。仍然存在非破壞性地重放消息的問題。我用我目前的結論更新了我的問題,以備將來參考。 – 2011-03-14 14:41:44



BusDriver is a command-line utility used to administer queues, service bus instances and other things related to MassTransit. 

Command-Line Reference 

    busdriver.exe [verb] [-option:value] [--switch] 

    help, --help  Displays help 

    count    Counts the number of messages in the specified 

     -uri    The URI of the queue 

    peek    Displays the body of messages in the queue without 
         removing the messages 

     -uri    The URI of the queue 
     -count   The number of messages to display 

    move    Move messages from one queue to another 

     -from    The URI of the source queue 
     -to    The URI of the destination queue 
     -count   The number of messages to move 

    requeue    Requeue messages from one queue to another 

     -uri    The URI of the queue 
     -count   The number of messages to move 

    save    Save messages from a queue to a set of files 

     -uri    The URI of the source queue 
     -file    The name of the file to write to (will have .1, .2 
         appended automatically for each message) 
     -count   The number of messages to save 
     --remove   If set, the messages will be removed from the queue 

    load    Load messages from a set of files into a queue 

     -uri    The URI of the destination queue 
     -file    The name of the file to read from (will have .1, .2 
         appended automatically for each message) 
     -count   The number of messages to load 
     --remove   If set, the message file will be removed once the 
         message has been loaded 

    trace    Request a trace of messages that have been received 
         by a service bus 

     -uri    The URI of the control bus for the service bus 
     -count   The number of messages to request 

     status   Request a status probe of the bus at the endpoint 

      -uri   The URI of the control bus for the service bus instance 

    exit, quit   Exit the interactive console (run without arguments 
         to start the interactive console) 


    count -uri:msmq://localhost/mt_server 
     Returns the number of messages that are present in the local 
     MSMQ private queue named "mt_server" 

    peek -uri:msmq://localhost/mt_client 
     Displays the body of the first message present in the local 
     MSMQ private queue named "mt_client" 

    trace -uri:msmq://localhost/mt_subscriptions 
     Requests and displays a trace of the last 100 messages received 
     by the mt_subscriptions (the default queue name used by the 
     subscription service, which is part of the RuntimeServices) 

    move -from:msmq://localhost/mt_server_error -to:msmq://localhost/mt_server 
     Moves one message from the mt_server_error queue to the mt_server 
     queue (typically done to reprocess a message that was previously 
     moved to the error queue due to a processing error, etc.)