我使用.NET 2.0和finally塊似乎沒有被得到執行,如果出線倍。例如,如果我看到消息「Child Thread Timed Out ...」,我將看不到消息「Finally block started ...」。這意味着數據庫對象(Oracle.DataAccess)可能無法正確清理。有沒有辦法在子線程中強制清理,還是應該將清理移動到主線程並將數據庫對象傳遞給子線程?C# - 的Thread.join(毫秒)和finally塊
private void runThread(string strSP, object objThreadParameter)
bool blnThreadCompletedOK = true;
Thread threadHelper = new Thread(getData);
// Wait for called thread.
blnThreadCompletedOK = threadHelper.Join(THREAD_TIMEOUT);
if (blnThreadCompletedOK)
// Thread has completed and should have stopped running.
// i.e. the thread has processed normally or an exception has been copied to the objExceptionThread object.
if (objExceptionThread != null)
throw objExceptionThread;
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("Main thread", "Child Thread Timed Out...", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);
// Main thread has timed out waiting for the child thread. Likely the child thread is still running.
if (threadHelper.IsAlive)
threadHelper.Abort(); // This will trigger the exception handling in the child thread and cause the finally
// block to be executed.
throw (new Exception("The call to " + strSP + "() timed out as it exceeded " + (THREAD_TIMEOUT/1000).ToString() + " seconds"));
catch (Exception exc)
throw new PivotalApplicationException(exc.Message, exc, mrsysSystem);
private void getData(object objThreadParameter)
OracleCommand oraCmd = null;
OracleConnection oraConn = null;
OracleDataReader dr = null;
// Initialization.
int intMAX_RETRIES = 20; // Maximum number of retries.
int intRETRY_DROP_POOL = 5; // At some point, if connections are still failing, try clearing the pool.
// Other initialization stuff...
// Now execute the SP.
for (int i = 1; i <= intMAX_RETRIES; i++)
// Setup Oracle connection and initialize Oracle command object.
getOracleConnection(out oraConn, connString);
catch (Exception exc)
throw new Exception("Error in getData() setting up connection - " + exc.Message);
oraCmd = new OracleCommand(strSP, oraConn);
setupCommand (out oraCmd);
catch (Exception exc)
throw new Exception("Error in getData() setting up parameters - " + exc.Message);
dr = oraCmd.ExecuteReader();
break; // Success, so, leave the for loop.
catch (Exception exc)
throw new Exception("Error in getData() executing command.\n\n" + strParametersMsg + " \n\n" + exc.Message);
catch (Exception excInner)
if (i >= intMAX_RETRIES)
throw new Exception(excInner.Message);
// Cleanup oraCmd, oraConn, oraDr...
// Process results...
catch (Exception exc)
throw new Exception("Error in getData() processing results - " + exc.Message);
// Now set the variables that are shared between the Main thread and this thread...
catch (Exception exc)
logMessage(exc.Source + " " + exc.Message);
objExceptionThread = exc; // Initialize exception in Main Thread...
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("Child Thread", "Finally block started...", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);
// With .NET 2.0 and later, the finally block should always be executed correctly for a Thread.Abort()
if (!(dr == null))
if (!(oraCmd == null))
if (!(oraConn == null))
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("Child Thread", "Finally block completed...", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);
事實證明,最終塊的線程上執行 - 甲骨文SP只花了這麼長的時間> 20分鐘,我從來沒有等待那麼長的時間查看事件日誌消息出現。 – JulianM 2010-11-10 00:09:33