2015-10-13 11 views

試圖寫在Haskell一個簡單的「模型 - 視圖 - 控制器」的應用程序與泛型編程的情況(只是爲了學習):在Haskell

給出的一般類型TStateTActionTReaction, 關鍵定義是用於變更功能的模型是

(TAction, TState) -> (TReaction, TState):: TFunction_ChangeModel

的代碼來創建一個功能:: TFunction_ChangeModel或函數 :: TFunction_ModelAndViewCombined是固定並且可以很容易地推廣(當提供必要的功能時,請參閱下面的程序)。

我想(這是一個問題)擺脫必須定義 虛擬類型像type TState = Int與一個筆記'請定製'。


可以將下面的代碼而不前三type Txxxx =寫?


-- just to make this compile 
type TState = Int 
type TAction = Char 
type TReaction = Double 

-- aply an action to an state gives a new state 
type TFunction_ChangeState = TState -> TAction -> TState 

-- when a state is entered, a reaction is produced 
type TFunction_WhatReaction = TState -> TReaction 

-- the model is a function from an action and a state into a new state and a reaction 
type TFunction_ChangeModel = (TAction, TState) -> (TReaction, TState) 

-- given the functions for changing state and finding out what reaction is produced 
-- it is straightforward to define the function for change a model 
createModelChangeFunction :: TFunction_ChangeState -> TFunction_WhatReaction -> TFunction_ChangeModel 
createModelChangeFunction changeState whatReaction = \(ac, st) -> let 
     ns = changeState st ac 
     re = whatReaction ns 
     in (re, ns) 

-- show a view of a transition to a new state and the associated reaction 
type TFunction_View = (TReaction, TState) -> IO() 

-- change model and view functions can be easily combined 
type TFunction_ModelAndViewCombined = (TAction, TState) -> IO TState 

combineModelAndView :: TFunction_ChangeModel -> TFunction_View -> TFunction_ModelAndViewCombined 
combineModelAndView change view = \(a, s) -> do 
        let (r, s') = change (a, s) 
        view (r, s') 
        return s' 

type TFunction_ControllerLoop = TState -> TFunction_ModelAndViewCombined -> IO TState 

main = do 
    print "hi" 



不知道你正在嘗試做的 - 但是如果你只是想參數化了的狀態,動作,反應......那麼你就可以解除那些類型,paramters在你的類型:

-- aply an action to an state gives a new state 
type TFunction_ChangeState tState tAction = tState -> tAction -> tState 

-- when a state is entered, a reaction is produced 
type TFunction_WhatReaction tState tReaction = tState -> tReaction 

-- the model is a function from an action and a state into a new state and a reaction 
type TFunction_ChangeModel tState tAction tReaction = (tAction, tState) -> (tReaction, tState) 

-- given the functions for changing state and finding out what reaction is produced 
-- it is straightforward to define the function for change a model 
createModelChangeFunction :: TFunction_ChangeState tState tAction 
          -> TFunction_WhatReaction tState tReaction 
          -> TFunction_ChangeModel tState tAction tReaction 
createModelChangeFunction changeState whatReaction = \(ac, st) -> let 
     ns = changeState st ac 
     re = whatReaction ns 
     in (re, ns) 

-- show a view of a transition to a new state and the associated reaction 
type TFunction_View tState tReaction = (tReaction, tState) -> IO() 

-- change model and view functions can be easily combined 
type TFunction_ModelAndViewCombined tState tAction = (tAction, tState) -> IO tState 

combineModelAndView :: TFunction_ChangeModel tState tAction tReaction 
        -> TFunction_View tState tReaction 
        -> TFunction_ModelAndViewCombined tState tAction 
combineModelAndView change view = \(a, s) -> do 
        let (r, s') = change (a, s) 
        view (r, s') 
        return s' 

type TFunction_ControllerLoop tState tAction = 
    tState -> TFunction_ModelAndViewCombined tState tAction -> IO tState 



ÿ這可能是一個選擇。謝謝。 (在C++中,我將定義模板函數,具體取決於類型tAction,tState,tReaction)。謝謝。 – cibercitizen1


我已經成功使用多PARAM類型類的代碼重構爲一個簡單的,可讀的和可用的版本this answer