2012-02-16 17 views

模操作的總和,如果我們有2個號碼,說a and b那麼如何才能找到的sum of b%i where i ranges from 1 to a價值? 一種方法是迭代所有值從1到一個,但有沒有任何有效的方法? (比爲O(n)更好?) E.g:如果α= 4和b = 5則需要ANS = 5%1 + 5%2 + 5%3 + 5%4 = 4 感謝。發現在一系列


這是足以找到一個解決方案只對的情況下,其中A B上\ sum_ {I = B} ^一個= a(a-1)/ 2-b(b-1)/ 2。 – 2012-02-16 16:49:32



對於i > b,我們有b % i == b,所以總和的一部分被在恆定的時間容易地計算((a-b)*b,如果a >= b,否則爲0)。

i <= b對於那部分仍有待計算(i == b給出0,因此可忽略不計)。你可以這樣做,在O(開方(b))的步驟,

  • 對於i <= sqrt(b),計算b % i並添加總結
  • 對於i > sqrt(b),讓k = floor(b/i),然後b % i == b - k*ik < sqrt(b)。因此,對於k = 1ceiling(sqrt(b))-1,請撥打hi = floor(b/k)lo = floor(b/(k+1))。有hi - lo數字i這樣k*i <= b < (k+1)*ib % i對他們的總和sum_{ lo < i <= hi } (b - k*i) = (hi - lo)*b - k*(hi-lo)*(hi+lo+1)/2

如果a <= sqrt(b),只有第一個項目符合,停止在a。如果sqrt(b) < a < b,在第二個項目符號,請從k = floor(b/a)ceiling(sqrt(b))-1和調整最小k上限a



#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <math.h> 

unsigned long long usqrt(unsigned long long n); 
unsigned long long modSum(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ 
    unsigned long long a, b; 
    b = (argc > 1) ? strtoull(argv[argc-1],NULL,0) : 10000; 
    a = (argc > 2) ? strtoull(argv[1],NULL,0) : b; 
    printf("Sum of moduli %llu %% i for 1 <= i <= %llu: %llu\n",b,a,modSum(a,b)); 
    return EXIT_SUCCESS; 

unsigned long long usqrt(unsigned long long n){ 
    unsigned long long r = (unsigned long long)sqrt(n); 
    while(r*r > n) --r; 
    while(r*(r+2) < n) ++r; 
    return r; 

unsigned long long modSum(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b){ 
    if (a < 2 || b == 0){ 
     return 0; 
    unsigned long long sum = 0, i, l, u, r = usqrt(b); 
    if (b < a){ 
     sum += (a-b)*b; 
    u = (a < r) ? a : r; 
    for(i = 2; i <= u; ++i){ 
     sum += b%i; 
    if (r < a){ 
     u = (a < b) ? a : (b-1); 
     i = b/u; 
     l = b/(i+1); 
      sum += (u-l)*b; 
      sum -= i*(u-l)*(u+l+1)/2; 
      u = l; 
      l = b/(i+1); 
     }while(u > r); 
    return sum; 

感謝一噸詳細的解釋:) – pranay 2012-02-17 02:29:20