Table: political_party
| party_id | party_abbreviation | party |
Table: polling_party_result
| id | p_id | number_of_votes |
我寫輸出形式,更新political_party_result表中的PHP程序其中ID運行從1到X ..我面臨的問題是在的形式,該ID涉及上述political_party表中的party_abbreviation列。
即1(在political_party_result表)應該帶出AP(從political_party表) 2 = ADC
3 = PDP 等。
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<title>HTML INEC</title>
<form action="inechp.php" method="post" name="form1">
ID: <input name="id" type="text" /> <br /> <br />
Polling Unit: <input name="pid" type="text" /> <br /> <br />
Number of Votes: <input name="votes" type="text" /> <br /> <br />
<input type="submit" /> <br />
<form action="inechp.php" method="post" name="form2">
Polling Unit: <input name="unit" type="text" /> <br />
Number of Votes: <input name="nov" type="text" /> <br />
<input type="submit" />
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "inec_results");
mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE inec_results.polling_party_result SET p_id ='$_POST[pid]' , number_of_votes = '$_POST[votes]' WHERE id = '$_POST[id]'");
不回答你的問題,但你」重新使用mysqli並將$ _POST變量直接連接到SQL字符串中 - 這是不安全的。你應該看看使用準備語句和綁定變量。 – andrewsi 2013-05-14 15:50:32
'polling_party_result'或'political_party_result'? – Colas 2013-05-14 15:51:16
對不起,* polling_party_result。 – Dude 2013-05-14 15:53:04