# I want to organize the seating arrangement for my party
# Bob does not like John, so I can say
----------- ------------
| Bob | <--- excludes --- | John |
----------- ------------
# solution 1: create an intermediary node.
# now, the problem is that, if I want to know who John excludes,
# I have to look at the node John + every other node he might be the child of.
| John |
----------- ------------- -----------
| Bob | <--- excludes --- | Couple | <
----------- ------------- ------------
| Mary |
# solution 2: target the edges, and make them cumulative
# here if I want to know who John excludes,
# I just have to target the node John and then check for
# additional logic (in this case, check if Mary is present too).
----------- ------------
| Bob | <--- excludes --- | John |
----------- ^ ------------
^ |
| |
excludes <---- requires (some logic here)
| Mary |
謝謝博丹!國家模式看起來很有希望。如果我理解的很好,那麼這個目標節點就是約翰的衛星。國家模式似乎解決了問題的一部分。例如:如果尋找約翰在瑪麗加入時排除的人,我會馬上得到鮑勃。然而,在尋找誰排斥鮑勃時,我可能必須通過許多不同的狀態遍歷許多對象。 – Raphael
對不起,我想過更多。這看起來很合理:你只需鏈接John和Bob,然後檢查是否符合排除條件。謝謝! – Raphael