我終於用DaImTo解決了這個問題,指着我朝着正確的方向前進。獲得file resource後,我用它獲取文檔HTML代碼的導出鏈接,然後使用該鏈接使用Google_Http_Request檢索該文檔的HTML內容。 (Google documentation這部分)
public function retrive_file_outline($FileID) {
$Service = new Google_Service_Drive($this->Client);
$File = $Service->files->get($FileID);
$DownloadUrl = $File->getExportLinks()["text/html"];
if ($DownloadUrl) {
$Request = new Google_Http_Request($DownloadUrl, 'GET', null, null);
$HttpRequest = $Service->getClient()->getAuth()->authenticatedRequest($Request);
if ($HttpRequest->getResponseHttpCode() == 200) {
return array($File, $HttpRequest->getResponseBody());
} else {
// An error occurred.
return null;
} else {
// The file doesn't have any content stored on Drive.
return null;
之後,我解析使用DOMDocument HTML內容。所有標題都有id屬性,用作anchor鏈接。我檢索了所有標題(h1到h6)的id,並將其與我的文檔編輯網址連接起來。這給了我所有的大綱鏈接。這裏是解析和連接部分:
public function test($FileID) {
$File = $this->model_google->retrive_file_outline($FileID);
$DOM = new DOMDocument;
$TagNames = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"];
foreach($TagNames as $TagName) {
$Items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName($TagName);
foreach($Items as $Item) {
$ID = $Item->attributes->getNamedItem("id");
echo "<a target='_blank' href='" . $File[0]->alternateLink ."#heading=". $ID->nodeValue . "'>" . $Item->nodeValue . "</a><br />";
//echo $File;
編輯: 我合併功能retrieve_file_outline和考不上retrieve_file_outline,我得到一個返回的鏈接和IDS文檔標題的陣列功能:
public function retrive_file_outline($FileID) {
$Service = new Google_Service_Drive($this->Client);
$File = $Service->files->get($FileID);
$DownloadUrl = $File->getExportLinks()["text/html"];
if ($DownloadUrl) {
$Request = new Google_Http_Request($DownloadUrl, 'GET', null, null);
$HttpRequest = $Service->getClient()->getAuth()->authenticatedRequest($Request);
if ($HttpRequest->getResponseHttpCode() == 200) {
$DOM = new DOMDocument;
$TagNames = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"];
$Headings = array();
foreach($TagNames as $TagName) {
$Items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName($TagName);
foreach($Items as $Item) {
$ID = $Item->attributes->getNamedItem("id");
$Heading = array(
"link" => $File->alternateLink . "#heading=" . $ID->nodeValue,
"heading_id" => $ID->nodeValue,
"title" => $Item->nodeValue
array_push($Headings, $Heading);
return $Headings;
} else {
// An error occurred.
return null;
} else {
// The file doesn't have any content stored on Drive.
return null;