2017-09-06 47 views





public static void QuickSort_Recursive(int[] array, int left, int right) 

     // only proceed if left is less than right 
     if(left < right) 
      // get index for left and right barrier 
      int pivotIndex = Partition(array, left, right); 

      // sort left 
      QuickSort_Recursive(array, left, pivotIndex - 1); 

      // sort right 
      QuickSort_Recursive(array, pivotIndex, right); 

    public static int Partition(int[] array, int left, int right) 
     // get pivot as last element    
     int pivot = array[right]; 

     // continue until left passes right 
     while (left <= right) 
      // continue with left side until you find an element greater than pivot 
      while(array[left] < pivot) 

      // Continue with right until you find an element less than the pivot 
      while(array[right] > pivot) 

      // Only swap if left is less than right 
      if(left <= right) 
       // swap left and right 
       Swap(array, left, right); 

       // Increment left and decrement right 


     return left; 



 // Make starting pivot the last one for now 
     int pivot = array[right]; 
     int leftWall = left; 

     // Go through array until index before pivot is reached 
     for (int i = left; i < right; i++) 
      // If item at array[i] is less than or equal to pivot then switch with leftwall 
      if(array[i] <= pivot) 
       // Swap positions with leftWall 
       Swap_Memory(array, i, leftWall); 

       // Increment leftwall position 
       leftWall += 1; 

     // Swap pivot with whatever value is the top lowest number (pivot is 'right' in this case) 
     Swap_Memory(array, leftWall, right); 

     // return leftwall as pivot 
     // Leftwall is barrier between values lower than pivot and those higher 
     return leftWall; 

- >> QuickSort_Recursive(array,pivotIndex + 1,right); –


nope,這並沒有解決它。 – mortey


它可能沒有完成,但它是不正確的! –



問題出在您的分區實施中。 您必須以這樣的方式進行分區,以便樞軸索引左側的所有元素都應小於pivot元素。 以下兩件事必須在代碼中解決:

  • 所有的比較,應該基於樞軸而不是索引。
  • 此外,返回值應該是選定的元素的索引。


public static void QuickSort_Recursive(int[] array, int left, int right) 

     // only proceed if left is less than right 
     if(left < right) 
      // get index for left and right barrier 
      int pivotIndex = Partition(array, left, right); 

      // sort left 
      QuickSort_Recursive(array, left, pivotIndex-1); 

      // sort right 
      QuickSort_Recursive(array, pivotIndex+1, right); 

    public static int Partition(int[] array, int left, int right) 
     // get pivot as last element    
     int pivot = array[right]; 

     int i = left - 1; 

     for (int j = left; j <= right - 1; j++) { 
     if (array[j] <= pivot) { 
      // Make sure all the elements left of pivot index is less 
      swap(array[i], array[j]); 

     //Move the pivot to the selected index and return its index 
     swap(array[i+1], pivot); 

     return i + 1; 




我曾經使用過一個與您的類似的不同實現來解決問題,但它並沒有左右移動,而是交換了它們。通過上面的實現,我無法讓它與數組一起工作[正確[作爲樞軸。我將用一個實現編輯我的文章。 – mortey


對於少數測試用例,您的新實現適用於數組[right]。如果你面臨一些問題,你可以發佈測試用例數組進行排序。 – arunk2


對,新的實現工作,但我想獲得原始實現與數組[右]作爲樞軸。真的想知道爲什麼它不起作用 – mortey
