# Displays the Program Header
print('The Innovation University of Australia (IUA) Grade System')
# These print commands display the spaces to divide the sections
# Asks the lecturer to input all marks out of 100
print('Please enter all marks out of 100.')
#Asks to input stydents ID and name
#Asks the to input the marks for Assignment 1 and Assignment 2
# and the Final Exam and stores them as floats
studentID = input('Please enter the student ID: ')
studentname = input('Please enter the student name: ')
assignment1 = float(input('Please enter the marks for Assignment 1: '))
assignment2 = float(input('Please enter the marks for Assignment 2: '))
final_exam = float(input('Please enter the marks for the Final Exam: '))
# Displays the Thank You! message
print('Thank You!')
# Calculates the weighted mark for Assignment 1, Assignment 2, and the
# total weighted mark of the Assignments by mutiplying by 20% and 30%
weighted_assignment1 = 0.2 * assignment1
weighted_assignment2 = 0.3 * assignment2
total_weighted_assignments = weighted_assignment1 + weighted_assignment2
# Displays the weighted mark for Assignment 1, Assignment 2, and the total
# weighted mark of the Assignments
print('Weighted mark for Assignment 1:', int(weighted_assignment1))
print('Weighted mark for Assignment 2:', int(weighted_assignment2))
print('Total weighted mark of the assignements:', int(total_weighted_assignments))
# Calculates the weighted mark for the Final Exam and the total weighted
# mark for the subject
weighted_final_exam = 0.5 * final_exam
total_weighted_subject = total_weighted_assignments + weighted_final_exam
# Displays the weighted mark of the Final Exam and the total weighted mark
# for the subject
print('Weighted mark for Final Exam is:', int(weighted_final_exam))
weightedtotal = print('Total weighted mark for the subject:', int(total_weighted_subject))
# Calculates the bonus mark for the subject depending on how high the
# total mark is
if total_weighted_subject > 50 and total_weighted_subject <= 70:
bonus_mark = (total_weighted_subject - 50) * 0.1
elif total_weighted_subject > 70 and total_weighted_subject <= 90:
bonus_mark = (total_weighted_subject - 70) * 0.15 + 2
elif total_weighted_subject > 90 and total_weighted_subject <= 100:
bonus_mark = (total_weighted_subject - 90) * 0.20 + 5
bonus_mark = 0
# Displays the bonus mark for the subject
print('Bonus mark:', format(bonus_mark, '.1f'))
# Calculates the total mark for the subject with the bonus mark
total_with_bonus = total_weighted_subject + bonus_mark
# Check if total mark with bonus is greater than maximum
# possible mark of 100 and if it is set to 100 and display
# total mark with bonus
if total_with_bonus > 100:
total_with_bonus = 100
print('Total mark with bonus:', format(total_with_bonus, '.1f'))
print('Total mark with bonus:', format(total_with_bonus, '.1f'))
outFile = open("TestFile.txt", "w")
outFile.write("student \t student \t A1 \t A2 \t final \t weighted \t weighted total\n")
outFile.write("id \t name \t \t exam \t total \t with bonus\n")
content = str(studentID) + "\t" "\t" + str(studentname) + "\t" + str(assignment1) + "\t" + str(assignment2) + "\t" + str(final_exam) + "\t" + str(weightedtotal)
outFile = open("TestFile.txt", "a")
#Displays Goodbye. message
我發現很難找到一個問題。一個簡單的Y(N)N(o)循環究竟是什麼意思,並且是證明你的問題所需的所有代碼? –
你是指一個函數? http://anh.cs.luc.edu/python/hands-on/3.1/handsonHtml/functions.html – ti7
這是一個可怕的設計。通過在終端上鍵入學生標記來逐個輸入學生標記是瘋狂的:這是一項緩慢而煩人的工作,有很大的錯字改變標記的機會。 – innisfree