我想告訴我的文字爲例600 character
一個想法,我心目中是,如果文本長度大於600,把保持部分在「`然後隱藏它,並當上看到用戶點擊MORE我了slideDown跨越。 實現此目標的最佳解決方案是什麼?
section.requirement {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("/themes/gttc_2016/images/requerment_bg.jpg") no-repeat scroll 50% 0/cover ;
color: #fff;
min-height: 600px;
padding: 0 10% 50px;
<section class="requirement text-center">
<h2 class="label-titr">Prerequisites and Requirements</h2>
<div class="whybuild">
<div> <p>General Requirements:</p>
\t <li>You are self-driven and motivated to learn. Participation in this program requires consistently meeting the deadlines set for your cohort and devoting at least 10 hours per week to your work.</li>
\t <li>You are willing to contribute to the success of the program, including collaborating with fellow students and giving us feedback on how we can improve.</li>
<p>Front-End Developer Specific Requirements:</p>
\t <li>You can independently solve and describe your solution to a math or programming problem</li>
\t <li>You have access to
a computer with a broadband connection, on which you’ll install a professional code/text editor (<a href="http://www.sublimetext.com/">Sublime Text</a> or <a href="https://atom.io/">Atom</a>).
\t <li>You are familiar with <a href="https://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/tutorials/Programming_-_the_real_basics">basic programming concepts</a> such as variables, conditions and loops.</li>
I @ entiendoNull我在兩個部分,1-600和600端試圖拆分文本然後用於http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/坍方/ 。 但它是不正確的解決方案 – zhilevan
您將需要向我們提供一些代碼,以更好地瞭解頁面的結構。最好甚至是一個jsfiddle,告訴我們你試圖解決你的問題時的實際行爲(發生了什麼/沒有發生什麼)。 – entiendoNull
@entiendoNull我添加它,也存在這裏https://jsfiddle.net/zhilevan/3fe4mc2q/ – zhilevan