2015-11-02 53 views

我正在閱讀關於該Nodemailer是using SMTP or sendmail or Amazon SES,我也發現更多smtp servers所以我假設,除了我的nodemailer應用程序,我必須使其中一個SMTP服務器運行,並使我的應用程序連接到它,但有人告訴我,Nodemailer可以本身就是一個自治的(或者也許是一個standlaone)的SMTP服務器「Nodemailer自動發送郵件(不需要通過服務器/ SMTP服務)」。Nodemailer可以作爲獨立的SMTP服務器嗎?


var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransport(options)) (1)


var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(options) (2) 


所以我在想,也許它是nodemailer-smtp-transport使Nodemaile R設定爲一個獨立的SMTP服務器,然後我想這代碼定義Nodemailer轉運,並使其發送電子郵件和sendmail:(我們稱之爲snippet1

var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransport({ 
    host: 'localhost', 
    port: 465, 
    auth: { 
     user: 'username', 
     pass: 'pass' 

// NB! No need to recreate the transporter object. You can use 
// the same transporter object for all e-mails 

// setup e-mail data with unicode symbols 
var mailOptions = { 
    from: 'Ahmed Feki ✔ <[email protected]>', // sender address 
    to: '[email protected], [email protected]', // list of receivers 
    subject: 'Hello ✔', // Subject line 
    text: 'Hello world ✔', // plaintext body 
    html: '<b>Hello world from nodemailer test ✔</b>' // html body 

// send mail with defined transport object 
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){ 
     return console.log('#### sendMail error : ' + error); 
    console.log('#### Message sent: ' + info.response); 



sendMail error : Error: connect ECONNREFUSED


var SMTPServer = require('smtp-server').SMTPServer; 

var server = new SMTPServer({ 
    onConnect: function(session, callback){ 
     if(session.remoteAddress === ''){ 
      return callback(new Error('No connections from localhost allowed')); 
     return callback(); // Accept the connection 
     console.log('Error onError %s', err.message); 

     onError wasn't mentioned on the documentation i just wrote it myself 
     as to replace the error on listener : 

      server.on('error', function(err){ 
      console.log('Error %s', err.message); 
     and i don't know if it would work or not.. i actually kept both of them  and just modified the log for i can know from where it would come. 

server.listen(465, onConnectCb); 


[2015-11-02 15:33:11] INFO: Connection from ::ffff:] 
[2015-11-02 15:33:11] DEBUG: S: 220 Fekis-PC ESMTP 
[2015-11-02 15:33:11] DEBUG: C: EHLO [] 
[2015-11-02 15:33:11] DEBUG: S: 250-OK: Nice to meet you [::ffff:] 
[2015-11-02 15:33:11] DEBUG: [mhJFwLqR43aX] C: STARTTLS 
[2015-11-02 15:33:11] DEBUG: [mhJFwLqR43aX] S: 220 Ready to start TLS 
[2015-11-02 15:33:11] INFO: [mhJFwLqR43aX] Connection upgraded to TLS 
#### sendMail error : Error: self signed certificate 
[2015-11-02 15:33:11] INFO: Connection closed to [::ffff:] 


'self signed certificate'


var server = new SMTPServer({ 
    /*secure: true, 
    key: fs.readFileSync('private.key'), 
    cert: fs.readFileSync('server.crt')*/ 




Nodemailer不作爲服務器本身,而是它能夠使用直接傳輸方法來發送郵件,而一箇中繼SMTP https://github.com/andris9/nodemailer-direct-transport
