2017-08-14 74 views




<title>[BMED] Acrylic Breakdancing Contraption</title> 
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<div class="footerU"> 
    <h1>[BMED] Acrylic Breakdancing Contraption</h1> 

<div class="intro_unlim"> 
    <p> The **** final project required students to develop a contraption with at least three connected moving parts. I elected to model a breakdancer's legs as he prepares for a headspin. Unfortunately, the final product came out looking like more of an upside down crab. The legs are made of thin acrylic, the wood for the base is walnut, and the wood for the body is paduak. </p> 

    <p> Estimated Building Cost: $35.00</p> 
    <p> Clicking this text should open up a modal that presents the first image</p> 
    <p> Clicking this text should open up a modal that presents the second image</p> 

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      <span class="close">&times;</span> 
      <img class="modal-content" id="img01"> 
      <div id="caption">paduak body of the contraption (cut using a jigsaw, and then sanded) nailed to rectangular walnut base</div> 

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     <img id="Img2" class = "modal-img" data-index = "2" src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2945/33377180683_9c7b27232f_b.jpg"/> 

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      <span class="close">&times;</span> 
      <img class="modal-content" id="img02"> 
      <div id="caption">final product: paduak contraption with acrylic legs, a walnut base, and googley eyes</div> 



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