2017-04-11 75 views


select cg.province_id, 
    (select count(distinct(c.guidance_user_id)) 
     from case_guidance c 
    where c.guidance_status = '2' 
     and c.province_id = cg.province_id) as guidance_cnt, 
    (select count(distinct(c.guidance_user_id)) 
     from case_guidance c 
    where c.guidance_status = '2' 
     and c.guidance_user_type = 'role.type.teacher' 
     and c.province_id = cg.province_id) as guidance_teacher_cnt, 
    (select count(distinct(c.guidance_user_id)) 
     from case_guidance c 
    where c.guidance_status = '2' 
     and c.guidance_user_type = 'role.type.jyy' 
     and c.province_id = cg.province_id) as guidance_jyy_cnt, 
    (select count(distinct(c.guidance_user_id)) 
     from case_guidance c 
    where c.guidance_status = '2' 
     and c.guidance_user_type = 'role.type.expert' 
     and c.province_id = cg.province_id) as guidance_expert_cnt, 
    (select count(distinct(c.case_id)) 
     from case_guidance c 
    where c.guidance_status = '2' 
     and c.province_id = cg.province_id) as guidance_case_cnt 
from case_guidance cg 
where cg.province_id is not null 
group by cg.province_id 
order by guidance_cnt desc 




    count(distinct(case when guidance_status = '2'            then guidance_user_id else null end)) guidance_cnt, 
    count(distinct(case when guidance_status = '2' and guidance_user_type = 'role.type.teacher' then guidance_user_id else null end)) guidance_teacher_cnt, 
    count(distinct(case when guidance_status = '2' and guidance_user_type = 'role.type.jyy'  then guidance_user_id else null end)) guidance_jyy_cnt, 
    count(distinct(case when guidance_status = '2' and guidance_user_type = 'role.type.expert' then guidance_user_id else null end)) guidance_expert_cnt, 
    count(distinct(case when guidance_status = '2'            then case_id   else null end)) guidance_case_cnt 
from case_guidance 
group by province_id; 
order by guidance_cnt desc 



謝謝你,喬恩。它確實提高了很多性能,排列條件確實有幫助。你節省了我的一天。 – Simon