我有一個Kinect WPF應用程序,從Kinect中獲取圖像,使用EmguCV(AC#opencv包裝)進行一些功能檢測,並使用WPF顯示輸出圖片。圖片不會更新,當寫到..奇怪的事情
video.Source = bitmapsource;
RecentKeyPoints = surfCPU.DetectKeyPointsRaw(ImageRecent, null);
- ImageRecent與更新屏幕的bitmapsource有着完全不同的起源。
- 閱讀video.Source返回bitmapsource,所以它似乎是正確寫入,只是沒有更新屏幕。
void nui_ColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
// Checks for a recent Depth Image
if (!TrackingReady) return;
// Stores image
using (ColorImageFrame colorImageFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
if (colorImageFrame != null)
if (FeatureTracker.ColourImageRecent == null)
//allocate the first time
FeatureTracker.ColourImageRecent = new byte[colorImageFrame.PixelDataLength];
else return;
//video.Source = FeatureTracker.ColourImageRecent.ToBitmapSource();
video.Source = ((Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile("test1.png")).ToBitmapSource();
TrackingReady = false;
public Bitmap FeatureDetect(KinectSensor nui)
byte[] ColourClone = new byte[ColourImageRecent.Length];
Array.Copy(ColourImageRecent, ColourClone, ColourImageRecent.Length);
Bitmap test = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile("test1.png");
Image<Gray, Byte> ImageRecent = new Image<Gray, byte>(test);
SURFDetector surfCPU = new SURFDetector(2000, false);
VectorOfKeyPoint RecentKeyPoints;
Matrix<int> indices;
Matrix<float> dist;
Matrix<byte> mask;
bool MatchFailed = false;
// extract SURF features from the object image
RecentKeyPoints = surfCPU.DetectKeyPointsRaw(ImageRecent, null);
//Matrix<float> RecentDescriptors = surfCPU.ComputeDescriptorsRaw(ImageRecent, null, RecentKeyPoints);
//MKeyPoint[] RecentPoints = RecentKeyPoints.ToArray();
// don't feature detect on first attempt, just store image details for next attempt
if (KeyPointsOld == null)
KeyPointsOld = RecentKeyPoints;
PointsOld = RecentPoints;
DescriptorsOld = RecentDescriptors;
return ImageRecent.ToBitmap();
// Attempt to match points to their nearest neighbour
BruteForceMatcher SURFmatcher = new BruteForceMatcher(BruteForceMatcher.DistanceType.L2F32);
int k = 5;
indices = new Matrix<int>(DescriptorsOld.Rows, k);
dist = new Matrix<float>(DescriptorsOld.Rows, k);
// Match features, provide the top k matches
//SURFmatcher.KnnMatch(DescriptorsOld, indices, dist, k, null);
// Create mask and set to allow all features
//mask = new Matrix<byte>(dist.Rows, 1);
//Features2DTracker.VoteForUniqueness(dist, 0.8, mask);
// Check number of good maches and for error and end matching if true
//int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.cvCountNonZero(mask);
//if (nonZeroCount < 5) MatchFailed = true;
nonZeroCount = Features2DTracker.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(RecentKeyPoints, KeyPointsOld, indices, mask, 1.5, 20);
catch (SystemException)
MatchFailed = true;
if (nonZeroCount < 5) MatchFailed = true;
if (MatchFailed)
return ImageRecent.ToBitmap();
//DepthMapColourCoordsRecent = CreateDepthMap(nui, DepthImageRecent);
//PointDist[] FeatureDistances = DistanceToFeature(indices, mask, RecentPoints);
//Image<Rgb,Byte> rgbimage = ImageRecent.Convert<Rgb, Byte>();
//rgbimage = DrawPoints(FeatureDistances, rgbimage);
// Store recent image data for next feature detect.
//KeyPointsOld = RecentKeyPoints;
//PointsOld = RecentPoints;
//DescriptorsOld = RecentDescriptors;
//CreateDepthMap(nui, iva);
//rgbimage = CreateDepthImage(DepthMapColourCoordsRecent, rgbimage);
// Convert image back to a bitmap
//Bitmap bitmap3 = rgbimage.ToBitmap();
//bitmapstore = bitmap3;
//bitmap3.Save("test" + count.ToString() + ".png");
return null;
你可以在源代碼控制提交中做一個差異嗎? – 2012-03-14 19:45:13
我可以,但我不認爲這會有所幫助,因爲Microsoft更改了kinect API,導致了很多更改。但是這部分代碼沒有改變。 如果你註釋掉上面的surfCPU方法調用,它會起作用,但是如果它沒有被註釋掉,它不會。即使是關於代碼的一部分如何影響.net中不相關部分的一般答案,作爲正確方向上的一點, – aforward 2012-03-14 19:57:12
顯示您的代碼更好會有所幫助。在任何情況下,只要開始移除代碼塊並用模擬對象替換它們,直到您縮小它的範圍。 – 2012-03-14 20:12:25