2014-12-07 54 views

我不知道爲什麼服務器在$ array_transactions定義後立即停止。我試圖在該行之前回顯文本,它會顯示,但如果我在該行之後放置文本,則不會。爲什麼while循環沒有繼續?爲什麼在定義MySQL查詢後停止?


$date1 = mysql_query("SELECT * 
         FROM transactions 
         WHERE userid='$userid' 
         ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1",$con) 
      or die(mysql_error()); 

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($date1)) 
    $date = date_create($row['date']); 

function priceformat($price){ 
    $newprice = round($price,2); 
    return $newprice; 

$array = mysql_query("SELECT * 
         FROM transactions 
         WHERE userid='$userid' 
         ORDER BY date ASC",$con) 
      or die(mysql_error()); 

$currentdate = date("o-m-d"); 

while((strtotime($date) <= strtotime($currentdate)) && 
     ($result = mysql_fetch_array($array))) 
    // Check if $date exists in transactions table 
    $array_transactions = mysql_query("SELECT * 
             FROM transactions 
             WHERE (userid='$userid') 
             AND (date='$date')",$con) 
     or die(mysql_error()); 

    // If entries for $date exist, sum transactions 
    if(mysql_num_rows($array_transactions) > 0) { 
     while($row = mysql_fetch_array($array_transactions)) { 
      if($row['type'] == 'D') { 
       $balance_affect = $row['amount'] + $balance_affect; 
      } else { 
       $balance_affect = (0 - $row['amount']) + $balance_affect; 

    // Check if $date exists in trades table 
    // If entries for $date exist, sum trades 

    echo '<tr>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
      echo $result['date']; 
     echo '</td>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
      $currentbalance = $previousbalance + $balance_affect; 
      echo '$' . $currentbalance . ''; 
     echo '</td>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
     echo '</td>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
      echo '$0'; 
     echo '</td>'; 
    echo '</tr>'; 

    $previousbalance = $currentbalance; 

    $date = date("o-m-d",strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($date)));           


是'mysql_error'返回什麼? – Mureinik 2014-12-07 17:03:03


不確定有關php/mysql中的連接,但它是因爲2個結果查詢'$ array'和'$ array_transactions'在同一連接'$ con'上同時打開嗎? – Rhumborl 2014-12-07 17:05:54


沒有錯誤報告@Mureinik和我也嘗試刪除括號,但也沒有工作。 – user3765935 2014-12-07 17:11:53



$date1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE userid=".$userid." ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1",$con) or die(mysql_error()); 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($date1)){ 
    $date = date_create($row['date']); 

function priceformat($price){ 
    $newprice = round($price,2); 
    return $newprice; 

$array = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE userid=".$userid." ORDER BY date ASC",$con) or die(mysql_error()); 
$currentdate = date("o-m-d"); 

while((strtotime($date) <= strtotime($currentdate)) && ($result = mysql_fetch_array($array))) { 
    // Check if $date exists in transactions table 
    $array_transactions = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE userid=".$userid." AND date='".$date."' ",$con) or die(mysql_error()); 

    // If entries for $date exist, sum transactions 
    if(mysql_num_rows($array_transactions) > 0) { 
     while($row = mysql_fetch_array($array_transactions)) { 
      if($row['type'] == 'D') { 
       $balance_affect = $row['amount'] + $balance_affect; 
       $balance_affect = (0 - $row['amount']) + $balance_affect; 

    // Check if $date exists in trades table 
     // If entries for $date exist, sum trades 

    echo '<tr>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
      echo $result['date']; 
     echo '</td>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
      $currentbalance = $previousbalance + $balance_affect; 
      echo '$' . $currentbalance . ''; 
     echo '</td>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
     echo '</td>'; 
     echo '<td class="v-align-middle text-center">'; 
      echo '$0'; 
     echo '</td>'; 
    echo '</tr>'; 

    $previousbalance = $currentbalance; 

    $date = date("o-m-d",strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($date)));           


那裏有很多代碼。你能解釋你的變化嗎(如果有的話)? – Rhumborl 2014-12-07 17:17:15


php變量串聯問題嘗試簡單''。$ userid。 – 2014-12-07 17:20:34