2016-03-04 99 views


using namespace std; 

int main() 
    int df; 
    int days; 
    string bed; 
    string bn; 

    cout << "Welcome to C++ Hotel, we have to ask you a few questions about your stay in order to give you the correct rate." << endl; 
    cout << "First, what floor would you like to stay on? (We currently have rooms available from floors 2 to 12)" << endl; 
    cin >> df; 
    while (df > 12 && 2 < df){ 
     cout << "Sorry, but your answer is invalid, please enter a floor from 2 to 12." << endl; 
     cin >> df; 
    cout << "Okay, we will register your room on floor " << df << "." << endl; 
    cout << "Now, what type of bed will you be requesting during your visit? On floor " << df << " we currently have doubles, queens, or a suite." << endl; 
    cin >> bed; 
    while (bed != "d" && bed != "q" && bed != "s"){ 
     cout << "Sorry, but your answer is invalid, please choose between a double, queen or suite by entering either d, q, or s respectively." << endl; 
     cin >> bed; 

    if (bed == "d"){ 
     string bn = "double"; 
    if (bed == "q"){ 
     string bn = "queen"; 
    if (bed == "s"){ 
     string bn = "suite"; 
    cout << "Okay, your room will be on floor " << df << " with a " << bn << "  sized bed!" << endl; 





'df> 12 && 2 12 || df <2' –


@Dante:如果您懷疑程序正在跳過代碼,那麼您應該在其中放置一個'cout'語句來打印某些內容(或者甚至更好地使用'cerr',或者甚至更好地使用調試器並逐步執行代碼)。 – indiv


'df> 12 && 2



更換string bn = "double";

bn = "double"; 


延伸閱讀:Scope in C++


啊我看到這樣是因爲我已經說過這是一個字符串,在主開始時我不需要再這樣做。謝謝我還是新手,我不知道爲什麼它完全跳過它(或者至少這是它看起來正在做的),但它現在可行了!謝謝,我會記住這個未來。 – Dante


另外請確保您閱讀了推薦的進一步閱讀並理解它。任何你不明白的地方都會嘗試谷歌它。如果你不明白這是一個新問題。並檢查來自M.M –


的評論這不是它「跳過它」。這是因爲你聲明瞭一個相同名稱的新變量,僅局部於if塊,爲其分配了一個字符串,然後該局部變量在代碼退出if塊時被刪除。沒有跳過;這只是代碼沒有做任何有趣的事情! :) –