2012-09-30 77 views

我在select元素的change事件上有一個偵聽器:在發生變化時,讀取文件並計算複雜的SVG並將其加載到DOM(讀取:需要一定數量的CPU週期)。問題在於,如果您非常快速地更改select(通過編碼鍵盤快捷鍵),則會將多件事物加載到SVG容器中 - 我只希望每次加載一個。爲了嘗試解決這個問題,我已經做到了這一點(半準):異步JS問題 - 變量範圍或其他錯誤?

select.on("change", function() { queue(this.val); }); 

var queuedFile, state = "ready"; 
function queue(file) { 
    queuedFile = file; 
    // NB: in real code, queuedFile is a property and the getter empties the queue 
    if (state === "ready") { loadFile(queuedFile); } 

function loadFile(file) { 
    state = "busy"; 

    ajaxGet(file, function(result) { 

     // lots of statements, iterators, calls to other fns 

     state = "ready"; 
     // NB: again in real code the getter empties the queue 
     var qf = queuedFile; 
     if (qf) { clearSVG(); loadFile(qf); } 

    }); // end ajaxGet 


實際上,state絕不是"busy"當它在queue()中檢查時,所以我仍然將多個文件加載到SVG中。 A console.log(state)之後state = "busy"顯示"busy"雖然。我在這裏錯過了什麼?我不認爲這是queuedFile範圍的問題。


// given: all of this code is enclosed in a function that returns an object "viewer". 
// (only one instance of the "viewer" is created) 

Object.defineProperty(viewer, "queuedFile", { 
    get: function() { 
     console.log("dequeuing", this.filequeue); 
     var buffer = this.filequeue; 
     this.filequeue = null; 
     return buffer; 
    set: function (newval) { 
     console.log("queuing", newval); 
     this.filequeue = newval; 
