Sentence: John Smith and Robert Alan Jones ate the warm pizza and cold salad by the car for an hour.
Phrasal Subject: John Smith and Robert Alan Jones
Verbs: ate
Phrasal Direct Object: the warm pizza and cold salad
Phrasal Indirect Object:
Root Noun:
Phrasal Root Noun:
Phrasal Appositive:
Phrasal Subject Complement:
Phrasal Object Complement:
Phrasal Clausal Complement:
Adjective Phrase: warm
Adverbial Phrase:
Prepositional Phrases: [by the car, for an hour]
再次 - 我使用的依存句法分析;我已經編寫了一些代碼來遞歸地導航TypedDependency集合......但它感覺很不舒服。是否有一種內置的方式可以用來從依賴關係中返回短語和文字組合(MWE,POSS等)? Jeff