我認爲這將是輕鬆的一年,但是我錯了應用程序...如何防止非觸控手機,看看在Android Market
The type of touch screen the application requires, if any at all. The value must be one of the following strings:
Value Description
"undefined" The application doesn't require a touch screen. (The touch screen requirement is undefined.) This is the default value.
"notouch" The application doesn't require a touch screen.
"stylus" The application requires a touch screen that's operated with a stylus.
"finger" The application requires a touch screen that can be operated with a finger.
所以我想要做的是設置reqTouchScreen既手寫筆和手指,這是什麼是不允許的。或者,一個簡單的reqTouchScreen = yes會很好:)
doh! 非常感謝你 – zraz 2010-06-24 13:24:20
在市場上有沒有非觸摸Android手機? – Eby 2010-09-15 13:38:36
@Eby:現在還不是我所知道的。目前Android Market需要設備配備觸摸屏。但是,隨着Google TV的出現,這種限制可能會被解除,我們將不得不看到。 – CommonsWare 2010-09-15 13:57:19