該查詢爲客戶提供三種可能的結果 - 「cust1」,「cust2」和「cust3」,每種都有一個選定的卡片(郵件回覆產品質量問卷和潛在獲獎),這是13種選擇之一。字母表示(「A」王牌,「K」特大等的相關聯的值)
select sp_cust_card_sequence(cards.cust1) as seq, cards.cust1 as card, count(cards.cust1) as card_count, rtt.game_id as game_id, gt.promo_id as promo_id, gt.choice_id as choice_id, extract(hour from header.start_timestamp) as hour, header.start_timestamp::timestamp::date as date
from game_bac_cards cards
inner join card_cust_resp header ON (header.id = cards.game_id)
inner join game_table gt ON (header.promo_id = gt.promo_id)
inner join ref_table_type rtt ON (gt.table_type_id = rtt.id)
where result <> 'undef'
group by date, hour, card, rtt.game_id, gt.promo_id, gt.choice_id, cards.cust1
select date, hour, card, seq, sum(card_count) as card_count, game_id, choice_id, promo_id
from (
select date, hour, card, seq, sum(card_count) as card_count, game_id, choice_id, promo_id from (
select sp_cust_card_sequence(cards.cust1) as seq, cards.cust1 as card, count(cards.cust1) as card_count, rtt.game_id as game_id, gt.promo_id as promo_id, gt.choice_id as choice_id, extract(hour from header.start_timestamp) as hour, header.start_timestamp::timestamp::date as date
from game_bac_cards cards
inner join card_cust_resp header ON (header.id = cards.game_id)
inner join game_table gt ON (header.promo_id = gt.promo_id)
inner join ref_table_type rtt ON (gt.table_type_id = rtt.id)
where result <> 'undef'
group by date, hour, card, rtt.game_id, gt.promo_id, gt.choice_id, cards.cust1
) as cust1_table
where cust1_table.card is not null and cust1_table.card <> ''
group by date, hour, card_count, card, seq, game_id, choice_id, promo_id
union all
select date, hour, card, seq, sum(card_count) as card_count, game_id, choice_id, promo_id from (
select sp_cust_card_sequence(cards.cust2) as seq, cards.cust2 as card, count(cards.cust2) as card_count, rtt.game_id as game_id, gt.promo_id as promo_id, gt.choice_id as choice_id, extract(hour from header.start_timestamp) as hour, header.start_timestamp::timestamp::date as date
from game_bac_cards cards
inner join card_cust_resp header ON (header.id = cards.game_id)
inner join game_table gt ON (header.promo_id = gt.promo_id)
inner join ref_table_type rtt ON (gt.table_type_id = rtt.id)
where result <> 'undef'
group by date, hour, card, rtt.game_id, gt.promo_id, gt.choice_id, cards.cust2
) as cust2_table
where cust2_table.card is not null and cust2_table.card <> ''
group by date, hour, card_count, card, seq, game_id, choice_id, promo_id
union all
select date, hour, card, seq, sum(card_count) as card_count, game_id, choice_id, promo_id from (
select sp_cust_card_sequence(cards.cust3) as seq, cards.cust3 as card, count(cards.cust3) as card_count, rtt.game_id as game_id, gt.promo_id as promo_id, gt.choice_id as choice_id, extract(hour from header.start_timestamp) as hour, header.start_timestamp::timestamp::date as date
from game_bac_cards cards
inner join card_cust_resp header ON (header.id = cards.game_id)
inner join game_table gt ON (header.promo_id = gt.promo_id)
inner join ref_table_type rtt ON (gt.table_type_id = rtt.id)
where result <> 'undef'
group by date, hour, card, rtt.game_id, gt.promo_id, gt.choice_id, cards.cust3
) as cust3_table
where cust3_table.card is not null and cust3_table.card <> ''
group by date, hour, card_count, card, seq, game_id, choice_id, promo_id
) as card_details
and card_details.card is not null and card_details.card <> ''
group by date, hour, card, card_count, seq, game_id, choice_id, promo_id
order by date, hour, seq
結果只顯示卡ķ |小時 |日期12/4/2014。這應該只是一行而不是兩行。 (?)
良好的漁獲伊萬,奏效! :) – SiriusBits