我在標題中編寫了問題代碼,似乎遇到了一些問題。任何人都可以給我一些見解或提示我做錯了什麼。特別是使用代碼的「if ... else」部分。需要幫助:計算機科學101硬件/ JAVA
以下是問題#9。如果您點擊鏈接,它會向您顯示問題的打印輸出。 http://s21.postimg.org/nl2tmf5tj/Screen_Shot_2013_09_21_at_6_44_46_PM.png
import java.util.*;
public class Ch3Ex9 {
* This method asks user for an x,y coordinates of a point, then returns the
* distance to the origin and which quadrant the point is in.
public static void main(String[] args)
double xCoord; //x Coordinant initialized to 3
double yCoord; //y Coordinant initalized to 4
double hypo; //hypotenuse
//declare an instance of Scanner to read the datastream from the keyboard
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
//get x Coordinant from the user
System.out.print("Please enter the X coordinant: ");
xCoord = keyboard.nextDouble();
//get Y Coordinate from the user
System.out.print("Please enter the Y coordinant: ");
yCoord = keyboard.nextDouble();
//calculate the hypotenuse which is the length to the origin
hypo = Math.hypot(xCoord, yCoord);
System.out.println("The hypotenuse is "+hypo);
//determine which Quadrant the user-inputted point resides in
if (xCoord>0) && (yCoord>0) //
System.out.println("Point lies in Quadrant I.");
else if (xCoord<0) && (yCoord>0)
System.out.println("Point lies in Quadrant II.");
else if (xCoord<0) && (yCoord<0)
System.out.println("Point lies in Quadrant III.");
else if (xCoord>0) && (yCoord<0)
System.out.println("Point lies in Quadrant IV.")
如果Y == 0 --->位於X軸線上。如果X == 0 --->位於Y軸線上。 0 ---> center(不屬於任何象限?) –
如果你不解釋問題是什麼,要幫助你解決你遇到的問題是非常困難的。 –