我正在使用asp.net v4 c#,並且我有一個電子郵件地址列表。我希望我的一個管理員能夠輸入消息,按「發送」,電子郵件就可以一個接一個地發送出去。asp.net v4循環內的異步任務
我認爲最好的方法是使用.net中的異步方法? OnClick的發送按鈕,我把電子郵件地址列表,然後調用異步方法。我只是不知道如何讓它逐個循環播放列表併發送電子郵件。
protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//get a list of email addresses and send to them
//these will come from the database once testing comp
List<string> emails = new List<string>();
emails.Add("[email protected]");
emails.Add("[email protected]");
emails.Add("[email protected]");
emails.Add("[email protected]");
emails.Add("[email protected]");
emails.Add("[email protected]");
emails.Add("[email protected]");
SendingDelegate worker = new SendingDelegate(DoSend);
AsyncCallback completedCallback = new AsyncCallback(DoSendCompletedCallBack);
lblThreadDetails.Text = "sending to " + emails.Count.ToString() + " email addresses";
worker.BeginInvoke(completedCallback, AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(null));
sending = true;
//boolean flag which indicates whether the async task is running
private bool sending = false;
private delegate bool SendingDelegate();
private bool DoSend()
//send messages
//emails sent here and saved in the DB each time
//give the user some feed back on screen. X should be the email address.
lblThreadDetails.Text = "processing " + x.ToString();
return false;
private void DoSendCompletedCallBack(IAsyncResult ar)
//get the original worker delegate and the AsyncOperation instance
SendingDelegate worker = (SendingDelegate)((AsyncResult)ar).AsyncDelegate;
//finish the asynchronous operation
bool success = worker.EndInvoke(ar);
sending = false;
if (success)
//perform sql tasks now that crawl has completed
lblThreadDetails.Text = "all done!";
切線:你確實知道你不需要'新''委託對象了嗎?至少對我來說,這將使代碼更具可讀性,因爲您不需要追溯到委託變量指向的位置。 – millimoose
I.e.你可以使用'(DoSend as Action).BeginInvoke(DoSendCompletedCallback,AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(null))' – millimoose
此外,還有一個明顯的問題不是你的方法,而是你的測試工具,它從後臺操作更新GUI。大多數GUI系統是單線程的,即創建和更新UI必須發生在運行事件循環的線程上。 – millimoose