JSON文件是在以下文件夾:'C:\Users\Admin\JSON files\file1.JSON'
"created": "Fri Mar 13 18:09:33 GMT 2014",
"description": "Tweeting the latest Playstation news!",
"favourites_count": 4514,
"followers": 235,
"following": 1345,
"geo_lat": null,
"geo_long": null,
"hashtags": "",
"id": 2144411414,
"is_retweet": false,
"is_truncated": false,
"lang": "en",
"location": "",
"media_urls": "",
"mentions": "",
"name": "Playstation News",
"original_text": null,
"reply_status_id": 0,
"reply_user_id": 0,
"retweet_count": 4514,
"retweet_id": 0,
"score": 0.0,
"screen_name": "SevenPS4",
"source": "<a href=\"http://twitterfeed.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">twitterfeed</a>",
"text": "tweetinfohere",
"timezone": "Amsterdam",
"url": null,
"urls": "http://bit.ly/1lcbBW6",
"user_created": "2013-05-19",
"user_id": 13313,
"utc_offset": 3600
import json
import pandas as pa
z = pa.read_json('C:\Users\Admin\JSON files\file1.JSON')
d = pa.DataFrame.from_dict([{k:v} for k,v in z.iteritems() if k in ["retweet_count", "user_id", "is_retweet"]])
print d.retweet_count.sum()
0, 4514 1, 300 2, 450 3, 139
我的問題: 實際上,我怎麼總結了所有的retweet_count/USER_ID值,而不是剛剛上市的上面顯示他們喜歡什麼?
如何選擇JSON數據的樣本大小而不是全部使用? (我認爲這是d.iloc [:10]但不起作用)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 506 entries, 0 to 505 Data columns (total 31 columns): created 506 non-null object description 506 non-null object favourites_count 506 non-null int64 followers 506 non-null int64 following 506 non-null int64 geo_lat 10 non-null float64 geo_long 10 non-null float64 hashtags 506 non-null object id 506 non-null int64 is_retweet 506 non-null bool is_truncated 506 non-null bool lang 506 non-null object location 506 non-null object media_urls 506 non-null object mentions 506 non-null object name 506 non-null object original_text 172 non-null object reply_status_id 506 non-null int64 reply_user_id 506 non-null int64 retweet_id 506 non-null int64 retweet_count 506 non_null int64 score 506 non-null int64 screen_name 506 non-null object source 506 non-null object status_count 506 non-null int64 text 506 non-null object timezone 415 non-null object url 273 non-null object urls 506 non-null object user_created 506 non-null object user_id 506 non-null int64 utc_offset 506 non-null int64 dtypes: bool(2), float64(2), int64(11), object(16)
爲什麼它顯示了當我運行d.info retweet_count和USER_ID爲對象()?
df.info()將列顯示爲非空對象,當我假設它們必須是值時,對不對?我如何將它們更改爲值而不是對象?' Int64Index:2個條目,0〜1個 數據列(總2列): retweet_count 1非空對象 USER_ID 1非空對象 dtypes:對象(2)' –
什麼是'的數據類型z'? – myacobucci
檢查我的編輯底部@myacobucci – user1745447