中每個主題的詞語分佈p(w | t)我需要獲得以Java編程的Mallet找到的每個主題的單詞分佈(不在CLI中,如how to get a probability distribution for a topic in mallet?中所述)。對於我的意思的例子:Introduction to Latent Dirichlet Allocation:Mallet
Topic A: 30% broccoli, 15% bananas, 10% breakfast, 10% munching, … (at which point, you could interpret topic A to be about food)
Topic B: 20% chinchillas, 20% kittens, 20% cute, 15% hamster, … (at which point, you could interpret topic B to be about cute animals)
以下方法(當添加到ParallelTopicModel.java時)是否正確計算Mallet中每個主題詞(p | w | t)的分佈?
* Get the normalized topic word weights (weights sum up to 1.0)
* @param topic the topic
* @return the normalized topic word weights (weights sum up to 1.0)
public ArrayList<double[]> getNormalizedTopicWordWeights(int topic) {
ArrayList<double[]> tokenWeights = new ArrayList<double[]>();
for (int type = 0; type < numTypes; type++) {
int[] topicCounts = typeTopicCounts[type];
double weight = beta;
int index = 0;
while (index < topicCounts.length && topicCounts[index] > 0) {
int currentTopic = topicCounts[index] & topicMask;
if (currentTopic == topic) {
weight += topicCounts[index] >> topicBits;
double[] tokenAndWeight = { (double) type, weight };
// normalize
double sum = 0;
// get the sum
for (double[] tokenAndWeight : tokenWeights) {
sum += tokenAndWeight[1];
// divide each element by the sum
ArrayList<double[]> normalizedTokenWeights = new ArrayList<double[]>();
for (double[] tokenAndWeight : tokenWeights) {
tokenAndWeight[1] = tokenAndWeight[1]/sum;
return normalizedTokenWeights;