我試圖建立在軌道上的環境紅寶石運行一個網站的應用程序(時鐘吧) unfortunely因爲我是那種新手的東西很多的腳麻:P無法安裝乘客
這是我得到當我運行/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.2/bin# ./passenger-install-apache2-module
> * GNU C++ compiler... found at
> /usr/bin/g++ * Curl development
> headers with SSL support... found *
> OpenSSL development headers... found
> * Zlib development headers... found * Ruby development headers... found *
> OpenSSL support for Ruby... found *
> RubyGems... found * Rake... found at
> /usr/bin/rake * rack... not found *
> Apache 2... found at /usr/sbin/apache2
> * Apache 2 development headers... found at /usr/bin/apxs2 * Apache
> Portable Runtime (APR) development
> headers... found at
> /usr/bin/apr-1-config * Apache
> Portable Runtime Utility (APU)
> development headers... found at
> /usr/bin/apu-1-config
gem install rack --source http://chneukirchen.org/releases/gems/
Successfully installed rack-1.2.1
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rack-1.2.1...
Installing RDoc documentation for rack-1.2.1...
e veryhting看起來不錯,但我仍然有同樣的問題 機架仍然沒有被乘客找到,我該如何解決?
# gem update --system
ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
gem update --system is disabled on Debian. RubyGems can be updated using the official Debian repositories by aptitude or apt-get.
> aptitude install git-core
> aptitude install libssl-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential
> mysql-server mysql-client
> libmysql-ruby libmysqlclient-dev
> imagemagick libmagick9-dev
> librmagick-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8
> libxslt1-dev
> aptitude install rubygems
> aptitude install ruby1.8-dev
> aptitude install rubygems1.9
> aptitude install rake
> aptitude install rubygems
> aptitude install ruby libzlib-ruby rdoc irb
> aptitude install rubygems1.9
> aptitude install libyaml-ruby
> aptitude install libzlib-ruby
> aptitude install libcurl4-openssl-dev
> aptitude install libopenssl-ruby
> aptitude install apache2-prefork-dev
> aptitude install libapr1-dev
> aptitude install ibaprutil1-dev
感謝,似乎我的所有問題都來自於...但我不知道該怎麼做才能解決這個問題,我使用aptitude刪除了rubygems,並且計劃從源代碼安裝它: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=126 ...會這樣做嗎?或者我應該刪除紅寶石? ruby -v - > ruby 1.6.8 ...我需要RVM嗎? – krifur 2011-02-01 14:34:18