A function eval_f(f, xs) which takes a function f = f(x) and a list xs of values that should be used as arguments for f. The function eval_f should apply the function f subsequently to every value x in xs, and return a list fs of function values. I.e. for an input argument xs=[x0, x1, x2,..., xn] the function eval_f(f, xs) should return [f(x0), f(x1), f(x2), ..., f(xn)].
import math
def eval_f(f, xs):
x = []
f = f(x)
for i in range(len(xs)):
return f
eval_f(math.sqrt,[1,2,4,9]) 回溯(最近最後調用):
文件 「」,第1行,在 eval_f(math.sqrt,[1,2,4,9])
文件 「C:/Users/Idoia/untitled2.py」,第6行,在eval_f f = f(x)
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它顯示一個錯誤,說它需要一個浮點數 –