for (int cIndex = 1; cIndex < 1 + columns; cIndex++)
sheet.Cells.set_Item(4, cIndex, data.Columns[cIndex - 1].Caption);
if (rows > 0)
//select the range where the data will be pasted
Range r = sheet.get_Range(sheet.Cells[5, 1], sheet.Cells[5 + (rows - 1), columns]);
//Convert the datatable to an object array
object[,] workingValues = new object[rows, columns];
for (int rIndex = 0; rIndex < rows; rIndex++)
for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < columns; cIndex++)
workingValues[rIndex, cIndex] = data.Rows[rIndex][cIndex].ToString();
r.Value2 = workingValues;