使用Box2d,如何創建像Parachute Ninja (ZeptoLab)這樣的橡膠線(橡皮筋/彈性繩)?如何在Box2D中創建橡膠線?
-(void) CreateElasticRope {
// Position and size
b2Vec2 lastPos = b2Vec2(4,4); //set position first body
float widthBody = 0.35;
float heightBody = 0.1;
// Body params
float density = 0.05;
float restitution = 0.5;
float friction = 0.5;
// Distance joint
float dampingRatio = 0.85;
float frequencyHz = 10;
// Rope joint
float kMaxWidth = 1.1;
// Bodies
int countBodyInChain = 10;
b2Body* prevBody;
//========Create bodies and joints
for (int k = 0; k < countBodyInChain; k++) {
b2BodyDef bodyDef;
if(k==0 || k==countBodyInChain-1) bodyDef.type = b2_staticBody; //first and last bodies are static
else bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bodyDef.position = lastPos;
lastPos += b2Vec2(2*widthBody, 0); //modify b2Vect for next body
bodyDef.fixedRotation = YES;
b2Body* body = world->CreateBody(&bodyDef);
b2PolygonShape distBodyBox;
distBodyBox.SetAsBox(widthBody, heightBody);
b2FixtureDef fixDef;
fixDef.density = density;
fixDef.restitution = restitution;
fixDef.friction = friction;
fixDef.shape = &distBodyBox;
if(k>0) {
//Create distance joint
b2DistanceJointDef distJDef;
b2Vec2 anchor1 = prevBody->GetWorldCenter();
b2Vec2 anchor2 = body->GetWorldCenter();
distJDef.Initialize(prevBody, body, anchor1, anchor2);
distJDef.collideConnected = false;
distJDef.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
distJDef.frequencyHz = frequencyHz;
//Create rope joint
b2RopeJointDef rDef;
rDef.maxLength = (body->GetPosition() - prevBody->GetPosition()).Length() * kMaxWidth;
rDef.localAnchorA = rDef.localAnchorB = b2Vec2_zero;
rDef.bodyA = prevBody;
rDef.bodyB = body;
} //if k>0
prevBody = body;
} //for -loop
你應該包括一些代碼,並解釋你的代碼是如何出錯的。否則,想要幫助的人將不得不編寫完整的教程,而不是僅僅指出已有的缺陷。 – Dennis 2012-02-08 11:53:54