2016-02-16 125 views

前一段時間,我發現了以下website,我從中複製了源代碼並將其粘貼到我自己的jupyter notebook中。Jupyter Notebook load_ext簽名

%load_ext signature 
%matplotlib inline 

import requests 
import helpers 

import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib as mpl 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

from lxml import html 
from datetime import datetime 

# Set style and meta info. 
url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_reports/Pages_with_the_most_revisions' 
end_date = '27 March 2015' 
chartinfo = 'Author: Ramiro Gómez - ramiro.org • Data: ' + url.replace('https://', '') 
infosize = 12 

# Extract first wikitable from page 
xpath = '//*[contains(@class, "wikitable")]' 
tree = html.fromstring(requests.get(url).text) 
table = tree.xpath(xpath)[0] 
raw_html = html.tostring(table) 

# Create dataframe from html table 
df = pd.read_html(raw_html, header=0, index_col='Page')[0] 
df.index = df.index.map(lambda x: x.replace('_', ' ')) 


ImportError        Traceback (most recent call last) 
<ipython-input-1-cd5561f41831> in <module>() 
----> 1 get_ipython().magic('load_ext signature') 
    2 get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') 
    4 import requests 
    5 import helpers 

    /home/xiaolong/development/anaconda3/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py in magic(self, arg_s) 
2161   magic_name, _, magic_arg_s = arg_s.partition(' ') 
2162   magic_name = magic_name.lstrip(prefilter.ESC_MAGIC) 
-> 2163   return self.run_line_magic(magic_name, magic_arg_s) 
2165  #------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

/home/xiaolong/development/anaconda3/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py in run_line_magic(self, magic_name, line) 
2082     kwargs['local_ns'] = sys._getframe(stack_depth).f_locals 
2083    with self.builtin_trap: 
-> 2084     result = fn(*args,**kwargs) 
2085    return result 

<decorator-gen-64> in load_ext(self, module_str) 

/home/xiaolong/development/anaconda3/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/magic.py in <lambda>(f, *a, **k) 
    191  # but it's overkill for just that one bit of state. 
    192  def magic_deco(arg): 
    --> 193   call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k) 
    195   if callable(arg): 

    /home/xiaolong/development/anaconda3/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/extension.py in load_ext(self, module_str) 
    64   if not module_str: 
    65    raise UsageError('Missing module name.') 
    ---> 66   res = self.shell.extension_manager.load_extension(module_str) 
    68   if res == 'already loaded': 

    /home/xiaolong/development/anaconda3/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/extensions.py in  load_extension(self, module_str) 
    82    if module_str not in sys.modules: 
    83     with prepended_to_syspath(self.ipython_extension_dir): 
    ---> 84      __import__(module_str) 
    85    mod = sys.modules[module_str] 
    86    if self._call_load_ipython_extension(mod): 

    ImportError: No module named 'signature' 





# packages in environment at /home/xiaolong/development/anaconda3/envs/jupyter: 
abstract-rendering  0.5.1    np110py35_0 defaults 
alabaster     0.7.7     py35_0 defaults 
anaconda     2.5.0    np110py35_0 defaults 
anaconda-client   1.2.2     py35_0 defaults 
argcomplete    1.0.0     py35_1 defaults 
astropy     1.1.1    np110py35_0 defaults 
atlas      0.27.0     <pip> 
babel      2.2.0     py35_0 defaults 
beautifulsoup4   4.4.1     py35_0 defaults 
bitarray     0.8.1     py35_0 defaults 
blaze      0.9.0      <pip> 
blaze-core    0.9.0     py35_0 defaults 
bokeh      0.11.0     py35_0 defaults 
boto      2.39.0     py35_0 defaults 
bottleneck    1.0.0    np110py35_0 defaults 
brewer2mpl    1.4.1      <pip> 
calysto-prolog   0.8.3      <pip> 
cffi      1.2.1     py35_0 defaults 
clyent     1.2.0     py35_0 defaults 
colorama     0.3.6     py35_0 defaults 
configobj     5.0.6     py35_0 defaults 
cryptography    1.0.2     py35_0 defaults 
curl      7.45.0      0 defaults 
cycler     0.9.0     py35_0 defaults 
cython     0.23.4     py35_0 defaults 
cytoolz     0.7.5     py35_0 defaults 
datashape     0.5.0     py35_0 defaults 
decorator     4.0.6     py35_0 defaults 
docutils     0.12      py35_0 defaults 
dynd      f641248     <pip> 
dynd-python    0.7.1     py35_0 defaults 
emcee      2.1.0      <pip> 
et-xmlfile    1.0.1      <pip> 
et_xmlfile    1.0.1     py35_0 defaults 
fastcache     1.0.2     py35_0 defaults 
flask      0.10.1     py35_1 defaults 
fontconfig    2.11.1      5 defaults 
freetype     2.5.5       0 defaults 
futures     3.0.3     py35_0 defaults 
ggplot     0.6.8      <pip> 
gmpy2      2.0.7      <pip> 
greenlet     0.4.9     py35_0 defaults 
h5py      2.5.0    np110py35_4 defaults 
hdf5      2 defaults 
idna      2.0      py35_0 defaults 
ipykernel     4.2.2     py35_0 defaults 
ipython     4.1.1     py35_0 defaults 
ipython-genutils   0.1.0      <pip> 
ipython-notebook   4.0.4     py35_0 defaults 
ipython-qtconsole   4.0.1     py35_0 defaults 
ipython_genutils   0.1.0     py35_0 defaults 
ipywidgets    4.1.1     py35_0 defaults 
itsdangerous    0.24      py35_0 defaults 
jbig      2.1       0 defaults 
jdcal      1.2      py35_0 defaults 
jedi      0.9.0     py35_0 defaults 
jinja2     2.8      py35_0 defaults 
jpeg      8d       0 <unknown> 
jsonschema    2.4.0     py35_0 defaults 
jupyter     1.0.0     py35_1 defaults 
jupyter-client   4.1.1      <pip> 
jupyter-console   4.1.0      <pip> 
jupyter-core    4.0.6      <pip> 
jupyter-kernel-test  0.1      <pip> 
jupyter_client   4.1.1     py35_0 defaults 
jupyter_console   4.1.0     py35_0 defaults 
jupyter_core    4.0.6     py35_0 defaults 
libdynd     0.7.1       0 defaults 
libffi     3.0.13      0 <unknown> 
libgfortran    1.0       0 defaults 
libpng     1.6.17      0 <unknown> 
libsodium     1.0.3       0 defaults 
libtiff     4.0.6       1 defaults 
libxml2     2.9.2       0 <unknown> 
libxslt     1.1.28      0 <unknown> 
llvmlite     0.8.0     py35_0 defaults 
lmfit      0.8.2      <pip> 
lxml      3.5.0     py35_0 defaults 
markupsafe    0.23      py35_0 defaults 
matplotlib    1.5.1    np110py35_0 defaults 
metakernel    0.11.5     <pip> 
metakernel-bash   0.11.3     <pip> 
mistune     0.7.1     py35_0 defaults 
mkl      11.3.1      0 defaults 
mkl-service    1.1.2     py35_0 defaults 
multipledispatch   0.4.8     py35_0 defaults 
nbconvert     4.1.0     py35_0 defaults 
nbformat     4.0.1     py35_0 defaults 
networkx     1.11      py35_0 defaults 
nltk      3.1      py35_0 defaults 
nose      1.3.7     py35_0 defaults 
notebook     4.1.0     py35_0 defaults 
numba      0.23.1    np110py35_0 defaults 
numexpr     2.4.6    np110py35_1 defaults 
numpy      1.10.4     py35_0 defaults 
octave-kernel    0.13.2     <pip> 
odo      0.4.0     py35_0 defaults 
openblas     0.2.14      3 defaults 
openpyxl     2.3.2     py35_0 defaults 
openssl     1.0.2f      0 defaults 
pandas     0.17.1    np110py35_0 defaults 
patchelf     0.8       0 defaults 
path.py     8.1.2     py35_1 defaults 
patsy      0.4.0    np110py35_0 defaults 
pep8      1.7.0     py35_0 defaults 
pexpect     3.3      py35_0 defaults 
pickleshare    0.5      py35_0 defaults 
pillow     3.1.0     py35_0 defaults 
pip      8.0.2     py35_0 defaults 
ply      3.8      py35_0 defaults 
psutil     3.4.2     py35_0 defaults 
ptyprocess    0.5      py35_0 defaults 
py      1.4.31     py35_0 defaults 
pyaml      15.8.2     <pip> 
pyasn1     0.1.9     py35_0 defaults 
pycosat     0.6.1     py35_0 defaults 
pycparser     2.14      py35_0 defaults 
pycrypto     2.6.1     py35_0 defaults 
pycurl     py35_0 defaults 
pyflakes     1.0.0     py35_0 defaults 
pygments     2.1      py35_0 defaults 
pymatbridge    0.5.2      <pip> 
pyopenssl     0.15.1     py35_1 defaults 
pyparsing     2.0.3     py35_0 defaults 
pyqt      4.11.4     py35_1 defaults 
pytables     3.2.2    np110py35_0 defaults 
pytest     2.8.5     py35_0 defaults 
python     3.5.1       0 defaults 
python-contrib-nbextensions alpha      <pip> 
python-dateutil   2.4.2     py35_0 defaults 
pytz      2015.7     py35_0 defaults 
pyyaml     3.11      py35_1 defaults 
pyzmq      15.2.0     py35_0 defaults 
qt      4.8.7       1 defaults 
qtconsole     4.1.1     py35_0 defaults 
readline     6.2       2 <unknown> 
redis      2.6.9       0 <unknown> 
redis-py     2.10.3     py35_0 defaults 
requests     2.9.1     py35_0 defaults 
rope      0.9.4     py35_1 defaults 
rope-py3k     0.9.4.post1    <pip> 
satlas     0.1.0b17     <pip> 
scikit-image    0.11.3    np110py35_0 defaults 
scikit-learn    0.17    np110py35_2 defaults 
scipy      0.17.0    np110py35_1 defaults 
setuptools    19.6.2     py35_0 defaults 
simplegeneric    0.8.1     py35_0 defaults 
sip      4.16.9     py35_0 defaults 
six      1.10.0     py35_0 defaults 
snowballstemmer   1.2.1     py35_0 defaults 
sockjs-tornado   1.0.1     py35_0 defaults 
sphinx     1.3.5     py35_0 defaults 
sphinx-rtd-theme   0.1.9      <pip> 
sphinx_rtd_theme   0.1.9     py35_0 defaults 
spyder     2.3.8     py35_0 defaults 
spyder-app    2.3.8     py35_0 defaults 
sqlalchemy    1.0.11     py35_0 defaults 
sqlite     3.9.2       0 defaults 
statsmodels    0.6.1    np110py35_0 defaults 
sympy     py35_0 defaults 
tables     3.2.2      <pip> 
terminado     0.5      py35_1 defaults 
threadpool    1.3.2      <pip> 
tk      8.5.18      0 <unknown> 
toolz      0.7.4     py35_0 defaults 
tornado     4.3      py35_0 defaults 
tqdm      3.8.0      <pip> 
traitlets     4.1.0     py35_0 defaults 
unicodecsv    0.14.1     py35_0 defaults 
util-linux    2.21       0 <unknown> 
werkzeug     0.11.3     py35_0 defaults 
wheel      0.29.0     py35_0 defaults 
xlrd      0.9.4     py35_0 defaults 
xlsxwriter    0.8.4     py35_0 defaults 
xlwt      1.0.0     py35_0 defaults 
xz      5.0.5       1 defaults 
yaml      0.1.6       0 <unknown> 
zeromq     4.1.3       0 defaults 
zlib      1.2.8       0 <unknown> 






找了代碼花了我很長時間。本教程由RamiroGómez編寫,我在github and the script上找到了他的網頁。

要安裝,您可以在iPython shell中使用%install_ext魔術。


所以這只是一個顯示原作者的簽名的自定義擴展......您也可以直接將該行註釋掉,其餘代碼將正常運行。 – gaborous