2011-05-09 102 views


  //InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); 
      InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(""); 

      * Get NetworkInterface for the current host and then read the 
      * hardware address. 
      NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(address); 
      if (ni != null) { 
       byte[] mac = ni.getHardwareAddress(); 
       if (mac != null) { 
        * Extract each array of mac address and convert it to hexa with the 
        * following format 08-00-27-DC-4A-9E. 
        for (int i = 0; i < mac.length; i++) { 
         System.out.format("%02X%s", mac[i], (i < mac.length - 1) ? "-" : ""); 
       } else { 
        // Address doesn't exist or is not accessible. 
      } else { 
       // Network Interface for the specified address is not found. 

我怎樣才能使用JSP獲取客戶端的MAC地址? – 2011-05-09 08:41:23


在後面的代碼中使用這段代碼.... – 2011-05-09 08:43:07


如何做到這一點?這裏是新的... – 2011-05-09 08:45:41
