我有一個具有以下簽名的方法:字符常量* const的* const的varName的
size_t advanceToNextRuleEntryRelatedIndex(size_t index, size_t nStrings, char const *const *const strings)
我該如何解讀這樣的:char const *const *const strings
謝謝, Pavan。
我有一個具有以下簽名的方法:字符常量* const的* const的varName的
size_t advanceToNextRuleEntryRelatedIndex(size_t index, size_t nStrings, char const *const *const strings)
我該如何解讀這樣的:char const *const *const strings
謝謝, Pavan。
char const *const *const strings
char **strings;
**strings = (char) something1; // not allowed because of the first const
*strings = (char *) something2; // not allowed because of the second const
strings = (char **) something3; // not allowed because of the third const
關鍵字const在此關鍵字後面聲明一個常量。 準則解釋勝於言:
/////// Test-code. Place anywhere in global space in C/C++ code, step with debugger
char a1[] = "test1";
char a2[] = "test2";
char *data[2] = {a1,a2};
// Nothing const, change letters in words, replace words, re-point to other block of words
char **string = &data[0];
// Can't change letters in words, but replace words, re-point to other block of words
const char **string1 = (const char **) &data[0];
// Can neither change letters in words, not replace words, but re-point to other block of words
const char * const* string2 = (const char * const*) &data[0];
// Can change nothing, however I don't understand the meaning of the 2nd const
const char const* const* const string3 = (const char const* const* const) &data[0];
int foo()
// data in debugger is: {"test1","test2"}
**string = 'T'; //data is now {"Test1","test2"}
//1 **string1 = 'T'; //Compiler error: you cannot assign to a variable that is const (VS2008)
*string1=a2; //data is now {"test2","test2"}
//2 **string2='T'; //Compiler error: you cannot assign to a variable that is const (VS2008)
//3 *string2=a2; //Compiler error: you cannot assign to a variable that is const (VS2008)
//4 **string3='T'; //Compiler error: you cannot assign to a variable that is const (VS2008)
//5 *string3=a2; //Compiler error: you cannot assign to a variable that is const (VS2008)
//6 string3=string1; //Compiler error: you cannot assign to a variable that is const (VS2008)
return 0;
static int dummy = foo();
/////// END OF Test-code
char const *const *const strings
^ v ^v ^v
| | | | | |
+----- +--+ +--+
char* p{"string1","string2"};
其中將衰減成char **
const指const後面的聲明,而不是前面的聲明。 –
@ValentinHeinitz這是不正確的。 'const'指左邊的類型。只有在'const'左邊沒有任何特殊情況時,'const'纔會指向右邊的類型。 'int const * p'是一個非常量指針,指向一個常量整數。 'const int * p'是相同的。 'const int const * p'有一個冗餘'const'。 'int * const p'是一個指向非常量整數的常量指針。請參閱[C&C++常量](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Const_%28computer_programming%29)。當const int和int const都有效時,很容易誤解const。 – sendaran
@sendaran是的,出於這個原因,我儘可能在左側停止使用const,我發現它更一致,並且可以使用typedefs –
由右至左,字符串是一個常量指針指向一個恆定指針指向常量字符集? – Arunmu
您是否完成了關於C語言聲明如何形成的研究? – Angew
@Pavan你應該從這個開始。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4949254/const-char-const-versus-const-char – Arunmu