2016-10-03 36 views


let inspiration = [ 
    "You are looking rather nice today, as always.", 
    "Hello gorgeous!", 
    "You rock, don't ever change!", 
    "Your hair is looking on fleek today!", 
    "That smile.", 
    "Somebody woke up on the right side of bed!"] 

func getRandomInspiration() -> String { 
    let randomNumber = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextIntWithUpperBound(inspiration.count) 
    return inspiration[randomNumber] 

最好有每次數組的副本和你採取隨機索引,從數組中刪除它,然後隨機從0到新的陣列大小 – Fonix




struct RandomQuote { 
    let inspiration = [ 
     "You are looking rather nice today, as always.", 
     "Hello gorgeous!", 
     "You rock, don't ever change!", 
     "Your hair is looking on fleek today!", 
     "That smile.", 
     "Somebody woke up on the right side of bed!"] 

    var lastQuote = 0 

    mutating func getRandomInspiration() -> String { 
     let max = inspiration.count - 1 
     // Swift 3 
     // var randomNumber = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextInt(upperBound: max) 
     var randomNumber = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextIntWithUpperBound(max) 
     if randomNumber == lastQuote { 
      randomNumber = max 
     lastQuote = randomNumber 
     return inspiration[randomNumber] 

var rq = RandomQuote() 
for _ in 1...10 { 

感謝您的響應; '1 ... 10'中的_不能在頂層傳遞。有什麼我需要修復嗎? (快速開始) – VegaStudios


這只是如何使用RandomQuote結構的演示。你可以添加var rq = RandomQuote()作爲類的一個屬性,比如ViewController,並且在VC中的任何函數內部調用rq.getRandomInspiration()來獲得一個引用。 – vacawama


@VegaStudios,你覺得它有用嗎? – vacawama