首先,我想說明這是我正在參加的練習考試。我知道答案是:cout = 4ns,S = 7ns。只是尋找一點解釋。提前致謝。如何判斷VHDL的輸出何時達到其最終值?
architecture concurrent_behavior of full_adder is
signal t1, t2, t3, t4, t5: std_logic;
t1 <= not A after 1 ns;
t2 <= not cin after 1 ns;
t4 <= not ((A or cin) and B) after 2 ns;
t3 <= not ((t1 or t2) and (A or cin)) after 2 ns;
t5 <= t3 nand B after 2 ns;
S <= not((B or t3) and t5) after 2 ns;
cout <= not(t1 or t2) and t4) after 2 ns;
end concurrent_behavior;
啊謝謝了一堆人,非常有幫助。因此,首先,t1和t2的延遲沒有考慮到,因爲它們發生在1ns,而t4是2ns的最長延遲? – joethecoder
@mikegreen:對。 –
謝謝,我會代表,但我不能。但非常感謝。 – joethecoder