我正在處理的音樂庫網站上發生了一個奇怪的錯誤。預期的功能(採用複選框的形式,動態地將它們更改爲可選字詞,突出顯示並單擊「檢查」關聯的複選框,然後根據突出顯示的標籤自動更新下面的歌曲)工作正常 - 但是當您單擊選定標籤將其刪除,它會對下面的數據執行正確的功能,並刪除高亮顯示,但所有其他選定標籤都會添加「display:none」。在jQuery的類更改中添加了不需要的「display:none」
// Given an label "$label," if it hasn't been selected, then
// highlight the label area and set the "checked" value of the
// appropriate checkbox input to true; if it is already selected,
// remove the highlight and set the "checked" value of the appropriate
// checkbox to "false"
function highlightAndCheck($label)
var id = $label.attr("id"),
$checkbox = $label.prev(),
val = $checkbox.attr("value");
if(id === val)
$checkbox.prop("checked", false);
} else
$checkbox.prop("checked", true);
$(function() { //on document ready
var $categoriesAndTags = $("div#categories-and-tags"),
$tagCategory = $categoriesAndTags.find("div.tag-category"),
$searchButton = $categoriesAndTags.find("input#public-user-tag-search-submit");
// First, hide the checkboxes and search button, since we don't need them in the dynamic version
// Make it so then clicking on the text of a tag makes the hidden select box "select"
var $this = $(this);
//While the unwanted "display:none" bug is happening, use this to make them re-appear on next click
// Make the search update automatically when a select box is clicked or unclicked.
var tagIDs = getUrlVarValArray("tagID");
var $this = $(this),
id = $this.attr("id");
if(tagIDs.indexOf(id) > -1)
{ highlightAndCheck($this); }
function searchByTags(tags)
data = $("form#tag-select input").serialize()
if(data.length > 0)
data += "&search=search";
url: "songs/",
data: data,
type: "GET",
success: function(data){
// DO THIS if we successfully do the Ajax call
$newSongPlayers = $(data).find("div#songs-area");
// Given an label "$label," if it hasn't been selected, then
// highlight the label area and set the "checked" value of the
// appropriate checkbox input to true; if it is already selected,
// remove the highlight and set the "checked" value of the appropriate
// checkbox to "false"
function highlightAndCheck($label)
var id = $label.attr("id"),
$checkbox = $label.prev(),
val = $checkbox.attr("value");
if(id === val)
$checkbox.prop("checked", false);
} else
$checkbox.prop("checked", true);
function getUrlVarValArray(needle)
var results = [],
hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
hash = hashes[i].split('=');
if(needle.length > 0)
if(hash[0] === needle)
results[ results.length ] = hash[1]; // array[ array.length ] is a faster way to apend than array.push() in small arrays
return results;
在此先感謝您的幫助!如果登錄並在上下文中查看此信息很有幫助,請轉至the test site並使用用戶名:stackoverflowuser;密碼:HelpMeFigureThisOut - 一旦你登錄,點擊「查看歌曲」,jQuery引用頁面頂部的標籤。
添加引用標籤的屏幕截圖。我登錄了但問題不明確。 – Kurkula
你應該澄清什麼是問題 –
感謝您的反饋 - 我已經澄清了我的原始問題的頂部的問題,但我無法添加圖片,因爲我沒有足夠的分數...「標籤「區域是在」查看歌曲「頁面上的標籤列表(分爲」提示類型「,」流派「,」樂器「等)。 讓我知道如果我能幫助澄清,再次感謝您的時間和幫助。 – msutton